Animax Studio Musix Kalafina 2014

Saw this on











Ah, so now Kalafina no longer known as the Kara no Kyoukai theme songs singer, but Madoka Magica. That explains why Alleluia got a really low promotion compared to Kimi no Gin.
Anyone know if there's a better (audio) quality version than the mediafire ver. of Kimi no Gin no Niwa? TTB on Youtube sounds much better than the mediafire one.

I'm pretty much in agreement that TTB had issues while Kimi no Gin no Niwa was great. Granted, part of it could be the setting/sound mix--Kalafina would be extremely difficult to mix compared to a solo singer. But Wakana had some trouble with parts of TTB that required more vocal agility, though she still wasn't bad, per se. Keiko sounds good. Hikaru...

The problem mostly lies in Hikaru - she's singing in the wrong technique than what she usually did for this song so her voice came out too nasally, like in storia - it seems like she still doesn't have a good control for her deeper/lower voice.
This, so much. I'm starting to suspect that the dark voice is very taxing for Hikaru. She had trouble maintaining it in the Consolation Live too. She's slipping into her lighter voice while trying not to, and the result is just nasally. And her harmonies with Wakana... weren't that good. Compare her harmony with Wakana near the end, with Keiko's harmony on the final note. The latter was just so much better.

That being said, TTB is a pretty difficult song. And for all the accusations of "editing"... well, it's not like the version in the 5th anniversary live CD is a lot better.

Kimi no Gin no Niwa was very nice. Wakana sounded great. Keiko's harmonies were a bit loud in the beginning, but I blame the sound mix. Hikaru's higher notes were a bit shouty, but that's expected, and her leading lines were excellent. Those outfits did look pretty shabby after TTB though. To see Wakana's gorgeous one-shoulder outfit replaced with the sailor fuku... blah.
Singing deep is nowhere near as taxing as singing falsetto. That being said, when you sing deep, it's much harder to hear your own voice when you sing, even if you wear earpieces, because unlike high notes which are clearer, deep voices have to sort of feel what note they're hitting and hope it's on key. It's sort of different for Keiko because she's a natural alto. She's used to it much more than Hikaru is (IIRC, it was even mentioned in the Kalafina Record interview that Keiko has better hearing than the other two).

Hikaru just needs more practice. And a different technique to change her tone.
^Yeah, pretty much agree with all that. And Keiko naturally has a deeper voice than Hikaru, plus she has more experience harmonizing with Wakana due to FJ and stuff. I do think it was a bad day for Hikaru though--it's only recently that I noticed her having trouble with the "dark" voice, and her harmonies with Wakana are usually decent (e.g. kajiuran in Kagayaku).
Random gifting
Most fun part, for me, was the talk about the members (~4:51 on the nico video till ~9:30)
As much as I could...

May'n: Towards the other members, is there any part of them where you would like them to change? Using this occasion...
Keiko: What a direct question *laughs* Using this occasion...
M: Yes, (something you can say) because it's now (on this show)...
Both Hikaru and Keiko turn to look at Wakana.
Wakana: Eh? Are the two of you looking at me?!
K: Yes, we are.

Wakana's part
W: Well, it's the same for both of them. I want them to listen to what I'm saying.
K: We listen!
Keiko turns to get support from Hikaru
K: We listen!!
W: It's not that! They listen. They're members that properly listen to my clumsy talk but there are times where I go "Keiko, I said that earlier!"
K: Sorry! Sorry!

W: Like there are times where I'm like "This and that happened", but 5 mins later she'd be like "This and that.." and she'd repeat what I said earlier. She'll go "Hey did you know?" and yeah, (because) I said it.
K: I'm sorry, Wakana-chan!
W: So I'll say "Yea. I know..." She even repeats what I said two days earlier. "Did you know??" well yeah, I said that two days ago.
K: Didn't I tell you that I didn't hear what you said about (something I couldn't catch)?
W: Oh. Right.
K: Let's stop this talk!
W: But it happens occasionally. So I'll wonder if perhaps they weren't interested in what I'm saying and I'll be reflecting after that.
K: No. It's not that. I listen but..
W: Yeah, you do listen...
(At the same time)
H: but you were concentrating on something else
W: ...concentrating on something else, right? That is what you call not listening.
Keiko bursts into laughter. Wakana and Hikaru laughs along.

W: And for some reason, Hikura occasionally ignores me
M: Ehh!!?
W: I'll look straight at her eyes and say "Ne. It's like this and like that" but she'll go "Keiko. This and that".. Ah. She ignored me!
K: Yes! that happens!
W: It happens some times
H: I think that I was probably not conscious (spacing out)
M: Yeah. Unconsciously.

W to M: To summarize,
Keiko starts talking to Hikaru in a softer voice
(K: It happens!)
(H: ????) <- probably denying it
(K: It happens!)
W: what I'm saying is not interesti-
Wakana turns to the other two
W: Hey, listen! Listen!
May'n laughs hysterically

K: Ah. This is what you were talking about, isn't it?
W: Is this going to continue even in 2014?
Keiko turns to Hikaru before turning back to Wakana quickly
K: I'm sorry!
W: This is really such a sad shock
(K to H: Ah this is what she's referring to)
H: Ah but I'm listening this time
W: Really?
H: Un. I was listening.
The three of them laugh

- Some talk about how it can't be helped since it's 3 of them (a triangle). It'd probably be different if there were 4 of them -

K: I'm sorry!
W: It's okay. And that's what I want them to change. Well they don't have to change but perhaps just be aware of it. I don't wish for it that much so .. it's okay.
K: We'll listen. We'll listen.
W: Thank you. I'll wait for it without expecting too much. What about the two of you?

Keiko's part (~7:16)
K: I... well.. don't neglect/ignore me..
M: Neglect/Ignore? Eh?
K: But don't retort either (Tsukkomi, not sure if retort is the right word here but probably?)
W: Ah geez, such a contradiction
M: What does she mean?
W: ..I don't know

K: The two of them leave me alone/ignore me sometimes.
W: We do?
K: Yes
W: Seriously/Really...?
K: And.. to retort during times when I don't want anyone to
M: That's really difficult, isn't it
K: Like "Keiko-san. You got that part wrong" and to retort when I'm going "Ahh. Don't retort!"

- All sorts of poking fun at Keiko -

K: I'm just being selfish, right? *laughs*
W: But it's "Don't retort. Don't retort. I'm lonely..."
K: Well there's that but don't retort!
W: Got it. Let's move on
K to H: ;_; She's so cold...
W: No.. no.. that's not what I meant..
H: It does indeed make her cold..
W: It does make you sad, doesn't it
K: ;_; I hate that

W: Even if you tell me not to retort, I would want to say "Oi!"
K: Balance! It's about the balance!
W: I see
H: Wouldn't it be fine if Hikaru took the role of the one who wouldn't retort? And Wakana will be the one to retort.
K: Ehh?!
W: How lonely!
H: Well, how is it? Wouldn't that be okay? You're the one who said you wanted balance!
K: *laughs* I don't want that either

M: Isn't it hard to retort? I'm the type that is actually pretty bad at retorts.
W: Really?
May'n nods
K: So that means you ignore them? May'n is the type that ignores?
M: Am I?
K: But to not retort means that even if someone does something.. you're *Keiko folds her arms and looks away with a light hmph* like that?
W: Even if they do something REALLY interesting?
May'n shows them the faces she'd do in that case
H: Funny faces?! (Kaogei?! 顔芸 - formed by the word face (kao) and performance (gei))
H: ...with funny faces...
M: Like.. "Shall we move on?"
K: So rather than retort, it's like you swallow it and move on (?)
W: I think she may perhaps be the best person to talk to
K: May'n is such an adult
W: As you'd expect of May'n

W: But even from now on, I'd still want to say "Oi!"
Keiko nods
W: Is that okay?
H: Then I'll leave it to you
W: (Not sure what she is saying)
M: Then I'll make retorting Keiko my goal this year
Wakana claps
K: EH?!
W: Wonderful/Fantastic!
H: That's new!
W: Even though Keiko said "Please don't retort" *laughs*
M: Ah! This means I'm not listening to what she's saying too
- Some talk where Keiko is amused that May'n would Tsukkomu -
K: I look forward to it!

Hikaru's part
There is no Hikaru's part. Probably CUT! due to lack of time or it wasn't as interesting.

Well that turned out pretty long. And I obviously got tired towards the end. Whoops
Should direct some of this energy to the LisAni interview.
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Omg hatou you are the best
I just had a laughing fest at this bahaha

W: I'll look straight at her eyes and say "Ne. It's like this and like that" but she'll go "Keiko. This and that".. Ah. She ignored me!
:psst: *is kicked*
Thanks a lot Hatou!!

I laughed so hard at Wakana's part, especially on this "you do listen, but concentrating on something else, right? That's what you called not listening!" and then Keiko burst into laughter. It's true but it's so funny! And Hikaru being cute by admitting that "ah maybe I'm just spacing out." Just like what I thought about what sleepy-senpai would do. :XD:

i laughed way too much reading your translation/transcription while watching the interview, lmao. so now it's wakana who's getting ignored, lol? i didn't expect that, but i burst out laughing with may'n when hikaru and keiko both started ignoring wakana right when she was complaining about them :ohoho: :ohoho: although, poor hikaru's part lol.... :desksweat: may'n dat face tho.


True Fact: Keiko is the best M to ever exist.
Ahh thank you Hatouchan for translating that!!
I tried understanding what they were saying but my Japanese is too poor ; w;

Lolol oh Wakana xD
Wakana's part was my favourite, although I wish we could have seen Hi-chan's...

So what was that guy saying about Kalafina's KnGnN special live this year?? :confu:
I dont really get what's the point of that interview, but thank you hatouchan! If they were 4 and not 3 many things would be different and not just this, like we would have 7 more different posssible vocal combinations... (4th member solo, 4 with W, 4th with H, 4th with K, 4th with H &K, 4th with W& K, 4th with H&W)