Yuki Kajiura LIVE #19 Kajifes 2023 - 30th Anniversary Live

This is really late and I'm sorry if this has already brought to attention before but I always thought that they were singing bits of Kajiurago in silly-go-round. I was listening to the YKL#19 version and just then I realized, "wait, this is Engrish??"

The lyrics section on this site has it as "kisui sorema disha" https://canta-per-me.net/lyrics/silly-go-round/ but this site https://lyrics.lyricfind.com/lyrics/fictionjunction-yuuka-silly-go-round has it as "kiss you in solemn addiction" and I'm more inclined to believe that this was the one they were singing. The kiss you part is mostly clear and you can hear Yuriko sang "addiction" too in this live, the consonants "ct" was quite prominent.

also it's really funny to me how the streamed cut showed people running and exiting the concert hall (most likely to go to the toilet) after into the world ended. they were holding it in lmao
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also how come I didn't realize it before but the cello solo in red rose was literally playing the first bar of ode to joy lmaooo

@grunty until now i'm still wondering what hindered/prohibited her to just include all the lyrics in her releases... like i kinda get Kajiurago because that's made up language but why not all the english/latin/german/italian? is it because it's not the "melody"? but there was some random occasions like Kalafina's Manten where the official lyrics only stated "manten no chorus" and it wasn't until later Kajiura confirmed that Wakana was singing "of pain" and that's the whole melody line there.
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The fact that I don't even remember who that is on DAY2 cover... lol...
That's Eri in front, with the 4 FJ ladies on the back, upper stage. Likely taken during a song of storm and fire

talking about Eri, I remember someone saying Eri wasn't the best during this live but I gave the live another watch recently and I actually enjoyed Eri's tone in this live a lot more than in previous live releases.
Re-Watching Liminality, Point Zero and Salva Nos almost every day, I think I would be giving some thoughts:
Yuri Kasahara is the queen, hands up or down.

Her penetrating and full operatic voice does not overshadow any accompaniments, allowing Keiko/ Kaori/ KeiKao to duet along the song; from what I perceived whilst watching some previous lives, any dual parts in Liminality often contained a biased mic and a less favorable one (happened in Vol 2). Such was not a problem in vol 19, though the cameras could have been better lol.

Point Zero: the "aaaaahhhhh" after the staccato is phenomenally impressive.
There was a very powerful voice in the choir, "alta mista" showed it was Kaori (I believe it was a mix-to-head voice being used here).
"sorti oda mista - arti kasa mita" thanks to the camera and the line-up micro positions, I could see that Yuriko and Kaori being those powerful backing vocals again.
Doing those hand gestures while performing an classically operatic song but Yuri was still able to render it with perfection and enthusiasm.

Salva Nos:
Dancing and twirling while singing without any obstructions or drawing heavy breathes. <3
I'm happy with the lightings here. They altered the color every time the ending verses came, they also complimented Yuri's dress very well XD.
Unlike its vol 6 counterpart, this vol 19 has a better volume stablilization. I don't know if it was me alone or not, but Yuri's part in Vol. 6 sounded pretty low and dim, as if they afraid that Yuri might overwhelm everyone's voices.
Even though Yuri could opt for a full opera voice and dominate other vocalists, she did not and allowed other amazing utahimes to complete the song perfectly.
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Re-Watching Liminality, Point Zero and Salva Nos almost every day, I think I would be giving some thoughts:
Yuri Kasahara is the queen, hands up or down.

Her penetrating and full operatic voice does not overshadow any accompaniments, allowing Keiko/ Kaori/ KeiKao to duet along the song; from what I perceived whilst watching some previous lives, any dual parts in Liminality often contained a biased mic and a less favorable one (happened in Vol 2). Such was not a problem in vol 19, though the cameras could have been better lol.

Point Zero: the "aaaaahhhhh" after the staccato is phenomenally impressive.
There was a very powerful in the choir, "alta mista" showed it was Kaori (I believe it was a mix-to-head voice being used here).
"sorti oda mista - arti kasa mita" thanks to the camera and the line-up micro positions, I could see that Yuriko and Kaori being those powerful backing vocals again.
Doing those hand gestures while performing an classically operatic song but Yuri was still able to render it with perfection and enthusiasm.

Salva Nos:
Dancing and twirling while singing without any obstructions or drawing heavy breathes. <3
I'm happy with the lightings here. They altered the color every time the ending verses came, they also complimented Yuri's dress very well XD.
Unlike its vol 6 counterpart, this vol 19 has a better volume stablilization. I don't know if it was me alone or not, but Yuri's part in Vol. 6 sounded pretty low and dim, as if they afraid that Yuri might overwhelm everyone's voices.
Even though Yuri could opt for a full opera voice and dominate other vocalists, she did not and allowed other amazing utahimes to complete the song perfectly.
Kaori's and Yuriko's naturaly heavier vibrato oscillation and speed blended quite well with Yuri's. When Kaori uses it in chorus/harmony for other singers her voice is usually apart, but it lined up well with the operatic juggernaut that is Yuri.
Kaori's and Yuriko's naturaly heavier vibrato oscillation and speed blended quite well with Yuri's. When Kaori uses it in chorus/harmony for other singers her voice is usually apart, but it lined up well with the operatic juggernaut that is Yuri.
Most of the time, Yuriko has to lower her heavy vibratos in order to blend with other singers, Kaori does not do it very often though XD.
Again, Yuriko's counter lines somehow mix thoroughly with Yuri's and cast a brief but powerful amplification effect when it comes to the ending verses "salva nos deus" (note it happens three times throughout the song). Mezame also experiences a similar effect (chorus part).

Dissecting the simultaneous lines, I found out some captivating elements:
Doma nobis pacem, et dona eis requiem (Dominus Exaudi Nos): Keiko and Kaori initiated their harmonies with a strong and rough tone, meanwhile Yuri just peacefully played with her dress and soft voice.

Inter oves locum, vocame cum benedictics (Dominus miserere) They softened the lines and started blending with Yuri while she augmented her voice steadily. Her body movements differentiate herself from KeiKao's. Notice how all of them danced to the song, but Yuri's torso was either stationary or only slightly moved, she drew her breaths without producing an audible sound (right after "rere"), but there was an in-breathe-taking sound. The very next camera shot revealed it to be drawn by Kaori (vein popping in her throat). Classical training in practical use XD)

Up until this part, there was a classical voice in the middle and two pop-mild-classic voices on the right.

Now, Yuriko and Joelle came in:
Pie Jesu domine, dona eis requiem (Doma nobis pacem) JoeRiko pushed Yuri's voice to an upper level (spicy and overly ethereal). Note that a little Jazz and extra classic components are now subsumed into the complex harmony. Yuriko, however, stood out and mixed the best with Yuri, compared to the other three distinctive voices. I cannot overstate Yuriko's techniques or skills, praising her voice isn't enough now. <3 She knows when and how to complement other singers.

Dominus Deus, sanctus gloria (Sanctus, Gloria) Yuri by now has shifted the mood and delivered a full operatic line at the end of gloriAAAAA, consuming everyone here xd). The vibratos and reverberation are just.... ugh.... I'm ineffable.

Keiko & Kaori loved this rendition right at the moment Yuri started singing lol. Joelle looked rejoiced (from the beginning to the end), Yuriko danced (rare).

Sorry for too much about Yuri Kasahara, but I cannot stop myself from loving her :'(. Kajiura needs to ask her to be the guest vocalist more in future lives.
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Most of the time, Yuriko has to lower her heavy vibratos in order to blend with other singers, Kaori does not do it very often though XD.
Again, Yuriko's counter lines somehow mix thoroughly with Yuri's and cast a brief but powerful amplification effect when it comes to the ending verses "salva nos deus" (note it happens three times throughout the song). Mezame also experiences a similar effect (chorus part).

Dissecting the simultaneous lines, I found out some captivating elements:
Doma nobis pacem, et dona eis requiem (Dominus Exaudi Nos): Keiko and Kaori initiated their harmonies with a strong and rough tone, meanwhile Yuri just peacefully played with her dress and soft voice.

Inter oves locum, vocame cum benedictics (Dominus miserere) They softened the lines and started blending with Yuri while she augmented her voice steadily. Her body movements differentiate herself from KeiKao's. Notice how all of them danced to the song, but Yuri's torso was either stationary or only slightly moved, she drew her breaths without producing an audible sound (right after "rere"), but there was an in-breathe-taking sound. The very next camera shot revealed it to be drawn by Kaori (vein popping in her throat). Classical training in practical use XD)

Up until this part, there was a classical voice in the middle and two pop-mild-classic voices on the right.

Now, Yuriko and Joelle came in:
Pie Jesu domine, dona eis requiem (Doma nobis pacem) JoeRiko pushed Yuri's voice to an upper level (spicy and overly ethereal). Note that a little Jazz and extra classic components are now subsumed into the complex harmony. Yuriko, however, stood out and mixed the best with Yuri, compared to the other three distinctive voices. I cannot overstate Yuriko's techniques or skills, praising her voice isn't enough now. <3 She knows when and how to complement other singers.

Dominus Deus, sanctus gloria (Sanctus, Gloria) Yuri by now has shifted the mood and delivered a full operatic line at the end of gloriAAAAA, consuming everyone here xd). The vibratos and reverberation are just.... ugh.... I'm ineffable.

Keiko & Kaori loved this rendition right at the moment Yuri started singing lol. Joelle looked rejoiced (from the beginning to the end), Yuriko danced (rare).

Sorry for too much about Yuri Kasahara, but I cannot stop myself from loving her :'(. Kajiura needs to ask her to be the guest vocalist more in future lives.
Haha! I totally dug everything you said and will go back to check it all in detail.
Doma nobis pacem, et dona eis requiem (Dominus Exaudi Nos): Keiko and Kaori initiated their harmonies with a strong and rough tone, meanwhile Yuri just peacefully played with her dress and soft voice.
I am always pleased when I see Keiko and Kaori use similar mouth shapes when they are doing these unison duet lines in songs. They really coordinate together well.
Screenshot 2024-05-19 232039.png

There was a very powerful voice in the choir, "alta mista" showed it was Kaori (I believe it was a mix-to-head voice being used here).
Coming back to this epic staccato section. Yeah! KAORI totally filled that middle harmony part matching Joelle+Yuriko and subsuming Keiko a bit. She was operating at her full vocal power with vibrato there and it fit perfectly. She needs more opportunities for this full-powered expression in YK's music so she doesn't end up bringing out those big guns at the wrong times during some solos (like she does at times).
Yuriko has to lower her heavy vibratos in order to blend with other singers
Oh yeah. She's so expert at doing light and breathy head voice to harmonize with others and holding back her full power (Unlimited POWEEER, sorry)! Kajiura has to write some epic power ballad for Yuriko to fully unleash her voice solo... Not a throwaway pop thing, something epic.
Yuriko's counter lines somehow mix thoroughly with Yuri's and cast a brief but powerful amplification effect
She does this very well with Hanae in Mezame, yeah. She seemed to be singing a different melody than Yuri though. They weren't doing unison, if I listened correctly.
but Yuri's torso was either stationary or only slightly moved, she drew her breaths without producing an audible sound
If you look very closely you can see her sides (below her ribs) expand when she takes in air (even when taking a quick, catch-breath). None of that chest breathing where you see the shoulders rise (culprit Wa), or look above the clavicles the sharp movement at the bottom of the neck on our other singers (all of them).

I've seen Kaori's and Keiko's diaphragms move quickly as they take in breaths when singing. In slower songs the breathing is not as pronounced, but in action packed, belt-y songs it's more audible.

Up until this part, there was a classical voice in the middle and two pop-mild-classic voices on the right.
Let me qualify. An OPERATIC and two non-generic-but-still-pop-style singers (Keiko and Kaori).

REMI is classical; Hanae is classical; Yuri is OPERATIC. Again, no shade on REMI or Hanae (since they're all different singers with different voice types and training), but imagine Yuri doing the Mezame climactic high note... just imagine that for a second.

JoeRiko pushed Yuri's voice to an upper level (spicy and overly ethereal). Note that a little Jazz and extra classic components are now subsumed into the complex harmony.
JoeRiko is a sweet fusion name for Joelle and Yuriko! I liked that. I am listening on Bilibili with a less-than-stellar audio (or video for that matter) so I can't hear the nuances of JoeRiko's voice(s).

I cannot overstate Yuriko's techniques or skills, praising her voice isn't enough now. <3 She knows when and how to complement other singers.
Oh she's excellent at that. I keep smiling at how many times Yuriko's harmony enhanced the Kalafina sound and some of those kajiurago highs we subconsciously attribute to Wakana (though her voice was also in there several times) since she's the one we see on screen. That's why I was so pumped seeing and hearing Yuriko do her soprano lines in the YKL 17 surprise "Sprinter". I imagine some Kalafina-only fans would have been wowed realizing the voice behind that pretty counter-line that elevated the "Sprinter" chorus. 🤣

delivered a full operatic line at the end of gloriAAAAA, consuming everyone here
One of my favorite demonstrations of vocal skill in the concert. At this point, she seemingly casually maintained her vocal line and just fired the pitches out until those jumps into GLO-RI-A!!!! Just a slight lifting of the eyebrows, no change in the face. Resonance and experience doing the work for her. Her tone was consistent and didn't change in density or focus to navigate the climb and maintain power.

Keiko & Kaori loved this rendition right at the moment Yuri started singing lol. Joelle looked rejoiced (from the beginning to the end), Yuriko danced (rare).
Oh good singers enjoy experiencing excellent vocalists when they descend. Especially with Joelle having trained with an opera singer in her teens, she would be delighted to work with an actual Japanese operatic legend (maybe even listen and observe to pick tips and refresh her head voice some more). I wonder the conversations they have backstage and in rehearsals.

Yuri in rehearsals in that tiny studio. Would she even need a mic??? How would her voice reverberate??? 🤔
Screenshot 2024-05-19 220701.png

Speaking of which, REMI really does that exaggerated mouth elongation. Her lips muscles are elastic. That's why I say she's more classical. In fact, I'd say classical crossover...

She doesn't use a small mouth shape like Yuri (and Hanae iirc), but she elongates and stretches and goes wide at times in her mouth shape too. But the full downward extension? She has that in spades!
One more thing for "Salva Nos":

Listen to Yuri's starting solo and the "exaudi" at the end of the phrase. She dropped registers into her resonant chest voice (on the "au" diphtong)! She did the same on "salva" when singing the same melody.

I would love to hear her sing a Japanese classic ballad fully in her chest voice range. I am sure it would be something nice to witness. Smooth and legato and resonant. 😍😍😍
The limited edition Blu-ray set with t-shirt and booklet is sold out before release date.

I just ordered the regular editions - if I find the limited edition somehow, I'll have the regulars available at a good price.