yuki's germany concert video



i downloaded the super low quality FAIL video last year from google videos and the quality was so low i couldnt tell if it was yuki but now i am less stupid and noticed that it IS yuki after mido sent me some photos from that concert x)

the video is 1.5 hours long but only 23 minutes of it is yuki concert, so first i have to upload it and then mido cuts it and then it will be posted here :3 I'm just writing this now becaaauuuuuuuse im overly excited and also i will probably be asleep when the whole thing's done

but dont get too excited.... the cameraperson stops recording whenver yuki starts to talk >_< and also cuts parts of songs :S

(edit: since mido hasn't uploaded the cut one yet, here's the entire video , but only the first 23 min is yuki http://www.megaupload.com/?d=X9JQWIJE)
i thought noone recorded this concert...XD

ah, before you ask me: no, i was not there :comeback:
It happened in 2004, Yuki gone to Germany, her 2nd country in a way, and made a consert during an event, at that time where was also given as a gift in some game a Key of the Twilight single

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thank you midori <3
ahhhh i am thankful to whoever recorded it but why did they have to cut out all the yuki >_<
Kerahna said:
thank you midori <3
ahhhh i am thankful to whoever recorded it but why did they have to cut out all the yuki >_<

The audio quality is pretty decent (which is most important). The coarse cutting hurts my feelings though. Not only has the beginning of most songs been cut off, but Salva Nos is completely mutilated.

Still, it's better than having nothing, obviously.
i'm using my mobile phone to connect to the Internet now....
i can't download it...................
I want to touch my PC...I want to touch my PC...I want to touch my PC...I want to touch my PC...I want to touch my PC...I want to touch my PC...I want to touch my PC...I want to touch my PC...I want to touch my PC...

YUKI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :omgwtf: :comeback: :omgwtf: :comeback: :omgwtf: :comeback: :omgwtf: :comeback: :omgwtf: :comeback:
OMG arigatoo Midori, Kerahna :sohappy:
I just began to listen and the solo violin is so good xD

lol now kajiura IS also you-know-who!
the weird fact it that when i heard Arjuna i liked that OST so much i was convince it could be made only by Kajiura ... oh my foolish beginning days of fanizem XD

I ripped the video (Kajiura Yuki - Live At Animagic 2004) to MP3. I've cut up the MP3 wherever the video was cut up. This means that I've made cuts inbetween different songs, but also in the middle of some songs (most notably Salva Nos).

The mp3's can be found in my download section.

I also added the video rip of Kajiura Yuki - Live At AnimeExpo 2003. This video was shot in one piece, so I cut it up only inbetween different songs / talk.