Too many strings.
EP 2
piano bgm (new)
sfx with acc piano (old)
synch bgm with some instrument i dunno what is (new)
sfx with acc piano (old)
strings ballet bgm with strings and other instruments (new)
sfx with acc piano (new)
strings bgm (new)
sfx with xylophone (old)
strings ballet bgm with strings 2 (new)
strings bgm -kinda sad- (new)
some piano bgm (new)
sfx with acc piano (old)
strings ballet bgm with strings 2 (new)
creepy strings bgm (new) [this sounds like pandora hearts bgm]
cello bgm (new)
sfx with ac piano in background (old)
bgm with some metalophone sounds and strings (new)
bgm with strings and percussion (new)
sfx with some xylophone (old)
slow strings and piano (new)
This makes me think that Y.Kajiura wakes up with strings, eats with strings, goes out with strings .
And this is seemed so promissing :( one more show with just strings and sfx
bgms i liked are with
*, colours are repeated ones
i really hope all the other eps have no strings at all. Where are violin solos ? why they all have to be strings ?
Plot wise, first ep was just a show-off to make people interesting, and plot seems to start in this ep.
and as PV suggests, HF movie wont be much different either.