Yuki Kajiura to compose for "Princess Principal" [6-part movies , part #3 on April 7, 2023]

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^ Well FJ never really moved much on their lives except maybe synchronicity and stone cold. Any idea on how to DL the vid ?
I don't mean walk around the stage. Just sway a little. Keiko and Yuriko where moving a little bit more towards the end.
Oh well, I’d be happy with any of the dates. It would be a real shame if the camera crew and equipment was present but only recorded a fraction of the show, or if the video never got released.
Mm.... Konno playing as the whole section... they could've had the decency of not doing closeups to him every 5 seconds...

Also there's some funny video editing there, like in wide shots you can see Yuriko's ear showing through the hair, but not in closeups (even when cut directly between them)... If the cameras were only there for one day, did they record the rehearsal too or something, lol.
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If the cameras were only there for one day, did they record the rehearsal too or something, lol.
I think they always record the concerts, just not release it hue. I remember one of the girls (Wakana, I think) mentioned that they always watch their performances after the show.
Fug, this made me remember that the CM for The Best of YKL had footage of YKL vol 5. Sadness.
So you're saying you think the wide shots could come from another day's archival recording, rather than a rehearsal/soundcheck on the 16th?

(Then again all of it could've been recorded multiple times right before/after the live, except for Yuki's camshots where you see the audience, lol. You can see them fixing/touching their earpieces several times so mebe during soundcheck, lol.)
Sounds like a hassle to mix around footage from different days... but then again I'm sure they're less lazy then me huehue.
So what is it that you're saying? lol.

I mean, the only thing I said in my original post is that all the footage doesn't seem to be from a single performance.
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Oh, my first reply was only for "If the cameras were only there for one day" hue. I think they record all days, but probably not with enough cameras for an official release.
I think I might've misread your post, hue.
I mean, I'm sure most of us would be fine with some unaltered single cam archival footage but I doubt they would consider releasing it, lulz.

Despite them saying this is from the 8.16 concert - based on the video alone - it doesn't seem like they actually had multiple cameras/big filming crew during this live (which would match @Kugayama's report), thus not much chance for an actual release of the live. It ~seems~ like they specifically recorded this song multiple times without an audience just for promo sake, lol.
Chances are they had limited recording angles at any given time so they spliced together a couple of different events to give a better cinematic picture. If costs a lot more to do the kind of recording featured in an official broadcast/release.

The cost of it would cut into revenue for the shows and possibly even dissuade attendance to shows, but maybe now that FJS is established they can fund a release next time. Aka please don't phuq us Gaijin over nymro bruuh
I have my ticket!! Super looking forward to this, it'll be my 1st time seeing any Kajiura thing live (missed out on Kalafina for years but at least now I can finally see Keiko! She means a lot to me;;)
Maybe wishful thinking but I'm really hoping they do もひとつまわして
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プリプリTHE LIVE、バンドリハ終了!みなさま相変わらず素晴らしくカッコよく早くも当日が楽しみなのであります!(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧次回はお歌やメロ楽器の皆様も合流だ!
PriPri THE LIVE, band rehearsal ends! We are looking forward to the day as soon as possible. (๑ • ̀ ㅂ • ́) و ✧ Next time, all of the songs and melo instruments will also join!
That's weird... I just use the translating option in Twitter and it states that it's translated by Google....@~@. It may depend on the app?

I guess melody instruments mean the instruments that play the melody lines, like violin, guitar and flute.

「プリンセスプリンシパル THE LIVE」がBlu-ray&CDで発売決定!

20日 舞浜アンフィシアターにて開催されるライブイベント
プリンシパル THE LIVE Yuki Kajiura×Void_Chords」のBlu-ray&CDが、

■「プリンセスプリンシパル THE LIVE Yuki Kajiura×Void_Chords」 Blu-ray

価格:Blu-ray 7,000円(税抜)

リニアPCM(ステレオ)/AVC/BD50G/16:9<1080p High Definition>





■「プリンセスプリンシパル THE LIVE Yuki Kajiura×Void_Chords」 LIVE CD

価格:CD 3,500円(税抜)



20日(日)「プリンセスプリンシパル THE LIVE Yuki Kajiura×Void_Chords」会場にて

高橋 諒 複製サイン入りオリジナル色紙』をプレゼントいたします。

またバンダイナムコアーツ公式ショップA-on STOREでも、対象期間内にBlu-rayとCDをご予約いただいた方に限り、

A-on STORE予約対象期間:2019年10月18日(金)11:00~10月21日(月)23:59まで
A-on STORE:https://a-onstore.jp/shop/pripri-thelive/bluray-cd/

※会場、A-on STOREどちらでご予約いただいた場合でも、特典はすべて商品に同梱して、発売日(2020年3月27日)にお届けいたします。

■Blu-ray会場予約特典(イベント会場またはA-on STOREで対象期間中にご予約の方)

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■Blu-rayCD同時予約特典(Blu-rayとCDを同時にイベント会場またはA-on STOREで対象期間中にご予約の方)
高橋 諒 複製サイン入りオリジナル色紙」





<Blu-ray 法人オリジナル特典>


<CD 法人共通特典>
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