Yuki Kajiura LIVE #19 Kajifes 2023 - 30th Anniversary Live (Blu-ray releases / Box set announced for May 29, 2024)

Βut they did announce him as guest to draw people in (reminds of some anime promos that announce Kajiura when she is just a guest composer -kimetsu / fsn ubw):glower:
it's true! he wasn't at the end of the concert...According to Revo's interview in the Kajifes pamphlet, he only attended to show off to the neighborhood children that he participated in the legendary Yuki Kajiura's festival (google translation)...:XD:

I think Asuka started singing in Japanese... I don't remember that they sang in Kajiurago at the beginning of the song...
Back in vol 2, 4, and 9, an encore often punctuated the previous song and the overture to Everlasting Song; when you guys posted the tracklist, I did not spot an encore between Asca and Asuka's part so my instinct told me they skipped that lovely part, but I still wanted to test the luck. Ahhhh :'(, thank you you guys.
Kaori’s strong point is her versatility, but she doesn’t possess powerful vocal. So the two girls are better than her in this aspect, even they’re nothing near her in terms of versatility.
I actually think Kaori has the power in her vocals that isn't used in Kajiura songs. Most of vol. 16 was just her overpowering the rest of FJ lol.

Just watch her performance in Sound Horizon (this one is still my favourite Kaori performance of all time):

She's completely different from how she sings in FJ, with much more precise vocal control, and this one was from before she even joined FJ. 3:13 really shows off her power. This Koari is the same age as Lino and Rito but she was already much more vocally developed.
The fact she is basically sings solo in that vid does help, and also the song's different styles help to showcase different kinds of singing.

Im not sure if she'd perform the same today as Revo has completely changed the cast and his compositions have become much lazier too.
HIGHWAYSTAR Party has the same 2hour slot so... lots of cuts I presume. Maybe they split DAY 2 into two airings, lol.
Also, vol#17 to be broadcasted on the same day before Kajifes.
The same day and right before KajiFes DAY1??! o_0 Dang.
Maybe they are preparing for KajiFes DAY2 being a 4 hours slot after all?

I don't know how TBS quality is but hope someone captures it, may or may not be better quality than the stream.
Kasahara in her red dress, that means she was singing either point zero or salva nos. She went into beast mode with those hand gestures. :'( i really cannot wait to see the full live, especially with Kasahara's performances.

私も昨日『CROSS STAGE』の映像観てた…。リスアニ!LIVEで初めての2マンライブ、Kalafinaの一人一人がりっちゃんと声を重ねたらスペシャルになるよね!って一緒に曲選びから練ったあの日から6年、梶浦さんのピアノ伴奏で繋がった今日!また忘れられない日が出来ました。感謝。KEIKO#リスアニLIVE


#リスアニ !LIVE 2024」 #FictionJunction さんのゲストボーカルで TVアニメ #鬼滅の刃 ED「from the edge」を初披露させていただきました。

KEIKOさんと初めて会ったのも、リスアニ!LIVEでした。2010年、私がまだソロデビューする前、Girls Dead Monster Starring LiSA。それから、KEIKOさんはKalafinaさんで出演されていて、私たち二組はDAY STAGEもNIGHT STAGEも歌わせてもらって、ずーっと隣の楽屋で支えていただいた記憶があります。

それから、KEIKOさんと初めて声を重ねさせてもらったのも、リスアニ! LIVE でした。これは2017年。『CROSS STAGE』でLiSA、Kalafinaさんで武道館を一緒に創ったリスアニ!LIVE。

梶浦さんとずっとご一緒されてる、FictionJunction さんの歌姫として、今日は思い出と想いと歴史の魂のぶつかり合いみたいな気分だった。
初披露だったけど、from the edgeが本当の姿で完成したような鳥肌を感じました!

I actually think Kaori has the power in her vocals that isn't used in Kajiura songs. Most of vol. 16 was just her overpowering the rest of FJ lol.

Just watch her performance in Sound Horizon (this one is still my favourite Kaori performance of all time):

She's completely different from how she sings in FJ, with much more precise vocal control, and this one was from before she even joined FJ. 3:13 really shows off her power. This Koari is the same age as Lino and Rito but she was already much more vocally developed.
That is my ultimate favorite Kaori's performance. Made her my favorite FJ girl haha