Yuki Kajiura is Not Allowed to Smoke Plz


An old topic for a while but we haven't touched on it for a while.

In the MBS Interview (September 2003), Yuki is shown smoking. That is not good, it might ruin her voice and kill her early D:

Naoise sent an email sometime in july or august to her agent and didn't receive a response XD We don't know whether she is still smoking or whether she wants to quit ^^; It's kind of intruding, but we as loyal fans should look out for her health!
Yea I do not like that but you know, it's very difficult to stop smoking...when you smoke a lot, you became addicted (you can't do anything, it has effects in your brain...). Moreover, when you are used to smoke, you are addicted psychically or physically ; it becomes a habit. (uh I have never smoked but I've done a presentation at school about addiction )
That's vey bad for the health, it can cause many cancers and other deseases, your lung becomes a real sh*t...
To stop, you have to have a very strong will, and a mind enough strong...
It really makes me feel sad when I'm thinking of it...
Please Yuki stop it X_X
As I have menthioned many time before. I am against smoking (see forum and comment in Feb 25 post) and I am in fear that Yuki is smoking many packets per day (so many that she cant stop it while giving interview - that's why we see her in that interview to smoke, and the probable reason why her teeth and skin have become like that)
I want to believe that Yuki is a person cleaver enough to be aware of the (only) negative results of smoking, understand it, say to herself "Hey, you are going to die if you continue" and do her best to stop it.
My father was smoking in the past and 6 years before, decided to stop it, he was chewing nicotine containing chewing gums for 3 months and then he was eating sunflower seeds (of course he was suffering, because his organism wanted to smoke, he was thinking it unconciously all the time and he was even dreaming himself smoking) but he finally managed to overcome it and now its his 6 year without cigarette. His health became WAY better after the 1.5 year of non smoking (he stopped to have otitida - you know, the illness when you ear aches, and other illnesses so oftenly .Generally NON SMOKING = HAPINESS, HEATH, LONG LIFE

PS: Yuki MUST read that

We should also start a petition - people love petitions!
yeah a petition is a great idea, but we need to confirm that she IS still smoking before we can do that!
A petition ? isn't that a little bit violent ? I think in a petition, there is a mind of forcing something to happen or forcing someone of doing something... We can't oblige her of stopping smoking just because we love her...We just can advice her to stop. DX

maybe we can write on a paper or an email how we feel about her and how much we want her to stop smoking (with nice messages)
LOL yes it will probably scare her to death if we made a petition demanding something like that >_>

we wrote an email before, have no clue whether it got to her >:
There might be some press releases Regarding Eminence. Can Yuki be seen smoking in any of these photos?
If not, I can't think of other sources to clarify the matter. :? :(

Sure smoking is bad. My father smokes but he's trying to quit it. And my mother is always afraid lest I should take to smoking, too. But I'm just not going to - cigarettes are so damn bad for health and they're making a big hole in the wallet. :evil: :!:
I was very sorry to learn that Yuki smokes... but then again, maybe she does not anymore? I pray for that.

I don't understand that perversed cosmic law - why should all talented people have some circumstances to increase their chance of dying early? :cry: :cry:
Nick Hunter said:
I don't understand that perversed cosmic law - why should all talented people have some circumstances to increase their chance of dying early? :cry: :cry:

Yes, thats true, all the great people of the world had a bad ending (Socratis drunk the conion for the shake of the City,.... and all the great musicians from Germany (Mochard etc) had died either from alchohol either others murdered them and stole they music sheets
aaaah don't speak about Yuki's endddd >_<
She is still alive ! So cheer up guys XD and profit the present moment haha

If smoking gives her pleasure, we can't do anything about that...
...or shall we begin the super letter against smoking to Yuki ? :3
@ naoise : The avatar you putted is totally mean, there is no way that you are Yuki for the following 3 reasons. 1st she is working so hard to produce her music while you are just a "lazy bum". 2nd she know how to play many instruments while you probably dont know none. 3rd she is posting oftenly in her blog big new articles while you have writen only one, which was 10 lines long. So remove that avatar. and why you changed (putted additional hairs) her so much . It looks as if you hate her with that avatar. And its egotistic to pretend to be Yuki.
hey naoise, your image is so mean :(
I don't like it, for me it is a sort of insult towards Yuki...

I propose do to a song against smoking and in perticular for Yuki ! we will diffuse it through the internet and one day it will reach yuki xD
Nick will compose the music ! (I've decided it alone haha) someone there will write the lyrics, and someone will sing !!
who's volunteer xD ?

uh maybe my idea suck xD
LOL A SONGGGGG she will laugh so hard at how much we SUCK but that's such a great idea XDXDXDXD HAHAHAHaaa she'll never forget it!

we could all sing and then piece the chunks together, it will be epic :D hahahahahahahaaaaaaaa

I wonder if there is a lot of initiative in japan to try and get its residents to smoke less? I know there is like NOTHING in China, and whenever i go, people are smoking everywhere!

In canada there is a website called http://stupid.ca that tries to convince people to stop XD
lol sorry guyz, It was meant to be a joke (I wasn't saying I was yuki, just that I look like a boy version of yuki - I don't by the way). I was worried you might take it offensively though. Anyway I'll remove it.
ah okay naoise ! ^^

In japan there are the most important rate of smokers in the world xD
45.8 % for men and 13% for women (Aaah Yuki is in those 13% T__T)...
source :http://blogsofbainbridge.typepad.com/mildt/2006/04/interdiction_de.html
it is in french xD

yea there are some actions against smoking. In 2008, vending machines will be replaced by other machines which need cards with the customer's age. So all young japanese persons (under 20) will no more be able to buy cigarettes in vending machines...
In some cities notably in Tokyo, it is forbidden to smoke outside ! o_O
they could have a fine of 23$ O__O

and about the song, it will be funny xD ! but I don't want to sing >_< because I don't know how to sing !! it will rain forever if I sing xD
nah if everyone sing, I'll be obliged to sing ^^' haha

With my presentation at school about addiction, I've made a "manga" (51 pages) related to it with my friends (EternalS for those who know her, and two other guys). The scenario suck and the drawings too huhuhu (that's why I'll not show it to you guys ;) )

We could do a song but also drawings don't we ?

For those who want to lose their time reading the story, go ahead xD

It's the story of a guy who begin to smoke because he got a bad score on his maths test (stupid isn't it ?) and because his parents give him too much pressure about succes in school. Then he became addicteed fastly but his friends discovered it and tried to stop him by showing him how much smoking could destroy his health : they organise a footrace and the guy lose against a little child...they kept his cigarettes away from him and he became pale and distressed. He freak out and finish by admitting that smoking is bad for his health, end of story !
hmm i wonder how we would set up a manga for yuki XD
Was your manga for a school project?

but i cant draw :'( i only trick people into thinking i can draw but i cant im really bad and slow and each drawing takes like 7 hours T_______T
yessss my manga was for a school project
lol it is normal that your drawings takes you 7 hours !! have you seen how many details you put on it ?! and the color, it is very complicated X_X
(Don't worry, I'm very slooowww me too... -____- )
arrgg xD ! you found it, that's because of rion ! xD and his art topicz.....
why this rank sucks ? (trying to change the subject xD)