Yuki Kajiura Blog [1/04/12]


http://fictionjunction.cocolog-nifty.co ... -f81d.html

April 01, 2012



本の方はじっくり読ませて頂いたんですが、いえ、すみません、初回は続きが知りたくてがんがん読んでしまってあまりじっくり読めなかったかも……。ともかく怒濤の展開で、徹夜して拝読してしまいました。その後読み返してああっそうか的な事もあったり。ネタバレに入ってしまいそうなので、作品についてはこれ以上は語るのを止めておきますが! ああ、語りたいけど語れない、くうっ。

^ Yes I got that too but she might be saying something interesting about the music she's going to create for it :stars:
I've become in charge of the BGM for the TV anime Sword Art Online that'll be airing in July.

It's a happy thing, my long-cherished dream coming true! It's always a happy thing to get new work. My heart pounds and I get all excited. I'll be creating notes while I'm totally immersed in the work's universe. Plus it's a wonderful world I'm going to be immersed in!!

I carefully read the work, but, sorry, I couldn't carefully read the sequel this time although I wanted to know about it.... Anyhow, with a development in leaps and bounds, I stayed up all night reading it. Afterwards, I read it again. At the risk of giving out spoilers, I won't say anything more than this about the work! Ah, I want to talk about it but I can't. Ugh.

For the velocity of feeling this work has, the huge world view, the story, and the characters' charm, go watch the PV on the official site. It's a wonderful clip, and I'm going to try my best on the music so it won't be inferior to the script!

Unfortunately, there isn't too much about the music itself here...
Wow. She's excited about the new project, I mean she's always excited about her job right? It's nice to now that she doesn't tire herself much and enjoys doing this. I'll be watching the anime when it's already out. :shy: