Xenosaga III Trailer song...

:omgwtf: heyy me too it's the first time i heard it >_< !
where has it been released ? what's the title ? O_o

yea the son gis good x)
Woo I didn't have this one in the pack. I didn't even remember it (what a crappy fan I am) anyone remember in which part of the game this song sounds?
I don't remember hearing it in the game ^^; maybe it was made for trailer only because the filename in my package of musics is called trailer01 or something like that
I don't understand why this songs didn't come out. Most of them are even better than the ones from the official OST (although all of them are perfect)
The song is for trailer only, but they have used the piano part of the song in Xenosaga Missing Year
I see, so It's normal I don't remember it hahaha I didn't read Missing Year. That's why at the begining of Xenosaga III I felt a little bit lost.
By the way, the style of the song reminds me "Fall on You" from Madlax.