Why are there only rumours for Kalafina releases ?


I noticed that every time we get rumours prior to official announcements only for the Kalafina releases, for example "The Best", heavenly blue single, Fate SN single etc, but never for FJ, or other release like ost. and I wonder why ? Are they just more popular ? or its something else ?
Popularity could be a factor. Or perhaps they have slightly different (albeit very overlapping) fanbases.

My best guess: FJ seems to be an 'informal' collective with a sporadic release schedule - new singles are released when their tie-in show/film is released, and albums only seem to get done when the people contributing have time and enough new songs. Kalafina on the other hand are a group defined by the record company, and are subject to an album/tour cycle.

I suppose the short answer is that Kala have a release cycle pattern while FJ doesn't, so one is more prone to speculation and prediction than the other. I only really thought about it when you mentioned it though!
Or they do have rumors, but no one posts them on here. Like Martin said, could be a popularity thing, though now that they have released another album and Blu-ray, they might get more.
The label is different too. Maybe is it easier for sleuths to get rumours from SME than from Victor.
Well a lot of the rumours end up being true. The rumour for the BEST for example, ended up being true, and now the rumour for their next single is getting more details! Maybe SME releases more clues than say Flying Dog ..or maybe there's someone working at SME who spills the beans :plot:( unlikely but who knows !)
Yeah ! That's exactly what I meant, but with understandable words :psst: