Whats the government doing in america and other countries?

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Corpse Princess

this is for everyone :listen:
ok who has noticed that the prices for food, bills, and other important stuff has gone up except the paychecks? its spreading like SOPA (well feels like it) idk really know bout the other countries much but in america we pay for other people im not trying to say its so mean but what bout us we pay for them and they get better stuff than other people do that payed for them like wtf people who pay whats the reward thats given or taken its ruining lives people can barely affored anymore

its the government really
my opionion: THEY CAN SUCK IT!!!!!!!!!! :stupidtable: :voodoo:
whats your opinion?
and if your more information please tell :plz:
Well...the world is in a sort of global financial crisis at the moment (btw, this is all what my commerce teacher told us last year...so yeah...)

Basically America is in around $1.4 trillion debt, Europe is in a pretty bad shape too, with Greece and whatnot on the verge of bankruptcy (I think...)...so that's probably why economies are all screwed up everywhere and there's not enough money, and governments need to tax people to get more money, and the banks are doing their thing...and cos the economy is bad, businesses are struggling, so jobs are being cut, and unemployment is rising, so the govt. needs even more money to support welfare payments...and there's still wars and conflict going on in other places...so yeah... :uh..:

I think luckily things aren't so bad here in Aust. cos apparently we were sort of protected by our trade relations with China and India (says my Comm teacher) :confu:

But I dunno, it all seems very complicated.. ^^;
Well, as what I've told u before on chat room, CP, in here, we need to pay tax and everything, but then, the money, most of them goes to the government members and the didn't use it to improve the country itself. We used to be colonized by the dutch, and It seems that my country learn and adapt corruption system and being corrupted ever since then.

Yaaa, I guess Australia is still good as I think for now, Australian money is strong on the money market than USD.
Valerie, +1 for corruption. Even despite we've never been colonized...
Corruption is the number one reason. The other day, I saw on the news Pres. Obama is appealing on American Businessmen to take work back in their country and discourages outsourcing. Perfect example of this are Call Centers. This just indicates that a country such as America is facing a financial crisis, and it's really serious. The same goes to Philippines as well, even smallest government officials steal money from the government funds, and all these childish politicians do is argue over petty things.
but somehow, I think the temptation is there for those who sit in the parlement or government position. The temptation of corrupt is always and always be there, even though they might say that they will act "clean" before, but when they got the position and power, they might act the opposite. and even if they try to be "good", the people surround him/her won't let it happen that way too...so...I guess...a country without corruption is hard to be true...
My country's had a wild ride since last year, with 300% currency devaluation, but considering OUR government, this is not surprising. :...:
All in all, corruption... Yeah, I guess it's universal. Power is a very tempting thing when you get access to big money and other big benefits, and a lot of officials, politicians included, fail to resist wanting "just a little more" sooner or later. Expecting a healthy economic strategy from any government is always a stretched assumption; that's why it's usually done through elections to swap governments to and fro in hopes the next one will be doing something at least for some brief time, riding on their own slogans and promises' inertia... :ohoho:
So does my country. Never mind the fact we were hit HARD by Chernobyl radioactive cloud back in 1986. And now such a thing will be standing mere 100-200 km from the capital. Gorgeous. :bloodlust:
Personally I believe that governments have been turned into pawns of small but organised or big lobbies. For example what happens in Greece these years is that since 1985 governements have been sharing money to public sector employes (and from there to private ones - since these tend to work for the second) even if they werent ours (aka loan) and at the same time making everything complex. If you look at almost every section of the economy here you will see its been opted by a vast amound of laws which makes you not know which to use. This way they dont catch those that dont pay their taxes even though there are many ways to do that via data comparing using computer programs. Also due to the money share lots of people that used to be in the private sector's factories or farmers turned into public employs (we've got around 900000 atm), so now we have neither factories (only some food ones) neither production nor even enough fruits and vegetables, eg you can easily find carrots from Italy, tomatoes from Holand etc, so we import many things, far more than the ones we export so even more money is lost. So now governments, since it doesnt want to catch the no-payers puts more taxes for those that cant avoid paying them (there are some categories of public employs) so things have got alots more expensive (now they are even thinking on putting special tax for wines :desksweat:)

If I have to discribe all the situation I will have to write 10 pages of forum so I'd better stop here for now :desksweat: :XD: So yea corruption is one of the main reasons of the global situation, and not only of the politicians but also of the company CEOs that dont care about environment when it comes to more incomes.

ZoaKaizer said:
My Country is making a new Nuclear Power Plant :hero:

:ohoho: Same here. And the Stadiums to the World Cup. (Most of them are really unnecessary.)

^ Same happened for the 2004 Olympic Games in my coutry too, they built around 10 stadiums for various sports and now only 3-4 are used properly all the rest have been abandoned, because they are useless and cand find a way to use them/ sell them :uh..:
that reminds me have you seen what they did to the water cube in bejing after olympics? They turned it into the prettiest water park ever O_O



It's so pretty at night! Less pretty during the day when the white skies outside ruin the lighting
^ Yep! And a clever way to turn that place around to bring in the dough for 'em... :goodjob: :plot:
There would be no perfect government or kingdoms at present time. The Bible tells the truth after all.
@zoa: if we make nuclear power plant, I bet it's either won't finish and the budget will be corrupted again or if we DO finish it, I bet it will be a very dangerous one and very risky... Can't imagine if our country have one though. T__T somehow....
Well if you think it trough, the problem is not the government or the system itself, it's actually the people who lead (or mislead in this context).
That leads the the source of why people do thinks they shouldn't; in short money.

The only government which would work perfectly without corruption at all, would be one in a world where humans are not bound to a concept like "you have to work because you have to earn money to live".
If, and I really say IF because it is utopia, we would live in a world where human in a sense work because they have fun doing what they like and sharing with others, we would have no problems at all. But we stick with old, outdated concepts because everyone is born into a world that does not want to think of different paradigms.
^ ooooohhh we learnt about dystopias/utopias last year in english :waii:

...the perfect world doesn't exist. :leaf: