


Welcome to the moderator team dood!

As a moderator it is your job to remove offensive posts or topics, as well as editing posts that are out of line, and making sure the board runs smoothy by ensuring all topics are in the right place and category, and eliminating spam from places it shouldnt be!

that being said, I hope there is no real problems on this site (fingers crossed) and then we can all just hang out in this fourm and talk about yuki, prinnys, and anything else that is for the awesomest team of awesomest people evarrrrr dood!

This (super secret) fourm can be used as storage for "iffy" posts, if you need clarification or advice about rules or how they apply to a post, leave a note to yourself or someone else about something you need to remember, or if you just wanna talk about anything really I guess.
oops...this is something i dumped out of the "moderators only!" board, when i DELETED it because it was completely useless and clogged up my page -_-;;; i didn't notice that it was there....

as a side note, ive demoted myself so my name not highighted and bolded anymore XD now no one knows i have secret abilities :XD:
naoise thinks forum was big enough to need mod team -_- how zat happen if he not even show up :twitch:

in retaliation, everyone's been demoted to normal boring denizens except sudrien, and also "admin" whose password i conveniently hold :3

This forum is soooo ...different from all the others! I LUV IT! (Unlike the other, comunistic forum i told you about! :desksweat: Haaaaate it! At least...i hope i can get some of Yuki-megami's fans to understand i'm from a fan-site and WANT-THEM-HERE! xD)
we need a hugging emoticon :love: i'll ninja the one from deviantart when i get back home tonight :3