So? is moving to a new server. A DreamHost server, if you were wondering. He is what will be happening over the next few days. We hope this will solve some of the hacking issues we have experienced with our current host.
Step 1: Transfer files & Some Databases
Over the next day or two, I'll be transferring files from our current server to the new one. The Gallery has already been put in maintainence mode, and any files uploaded to the forums (read: avatar updates) will likely be lost if happening after RIGHT NOW.
Main site posts will probably be lost.
Step 2: Update domain settings
Due to the way the internet works, getting our URLs in order will take a few days. Once this happens, the forum will be unavailable until I can transfer the databases. It should be one of the few things unavailable.
Step 3: Transfer Remaining Databases
Mess with settings, and we should be back up & running. Hopefully.
Step 4: Panic that things do not work
Yeah, I'll let you know when to get all flustered. Now is not the time.GET FLUSTERED NOW
Step 5: Consider Not Donating
As there are people who already want to donate to keep the server going, there will be an official way to donate, probably with "Pay for 3 weeks" and "Pay for 3 Months" options. I'm only doing this because some people have already offered, not because anyone desperately needs your money. Consider charities, if you really have too much.
What you can do
* Not get flustered yet
* If you have a login aside from the main site, forum, or gallery, contact me for new connection information.
Over the next day or two, I'll be transferring files from our current server to the new one. The Gallery has already been put in maintainence mode, and any files uploaded to the forums (read: avatar updates) will likely be lost if happening after RIGHT NOW.
Main site posts will probably be lost.
Due to the way the internet works, getting our URLs in order will take a few days. Once this happens, the forum will be unavailable until I can transfer the databases. It should be one of the few things unavailable.
Mess with settings, and we should be back up & running. Hopefully.
Yeah, I'll let you know when to get all flustered. Now is not the time.
Step 5: Consider Not Donating
As there are people who already want to donate to keep the server going, there will be an official way to donate, probably with "Pay for 3 weeks" and "Pay for 3 Months" options. I'm only doing this because some people have already offered, not because anyone desperately needs your money. Consider charities, if you really have too much.
What you can do
* Not get flustered yet
* If you have a login aside from the main site, forum, or gallery, contact me for new connection information.