The Red versus Blue game


Parallel Heart
"The Red versus Blue game"

Welcome minna-san to my latest game. This little creation is somehow similar to boys versus girls but it encourages friendship intead of sexes war. Of course it is harder and more complicated. But it will be fun.

Basic rules:

The teams will be seat at will of the participants. The fist time we will have more time so I want you people to talk with people you want to be on the group here or everywhere before just jumping on a colour. Teams will be arranged between 26 until de end if the month.

No new players are allowed if they haven't signed before the Start of the month. You can play boys versus girls while you wait.

Don't forget to mp me everytime a time wins a

It should be not difference (or 1 play if it is odd) between the number of members in every team.

The game will consist of different rounds. Rounds will be separated by time, Not by victories. Inside rounds there exist games that are driven by victories.

The rounds will last from 1 (0:00) to 25 (24:00) of every month. The hour will be marked by Japan hour (A.k.a the chat one).

From 26 to the last day of the month teams can be arranged and more people can join.

The objective of the game is to reach the goal. for team Red 0 for team blue 10.000. We start at 5000.

Red team subtracts 5
Blue team adds 5.

The point system will be more irregular. Everytime a team reachs a goal they get 2 points. If the last game is not completed at day 25 It will be a semi-tie. In other words, the team will advantage on the final number will get 1 point. It does not matter how small the diference is, being even 4995 or 5005 will give that point. If it ends at 5000 there will not be extra point.

Don't forget to pm me every time a team wins a game so I can set it to the first post.

I think I haven't forgot anything. So let's organise teams from now. :dote:
Tentative Teams list

Nick Hunter
Eddie エディ

^ watashi mo!
blue team :glasses:
because blue is the colour of Manten (the whole sky)
and one of my favourite colours
Eh, all the girls join blue team. Well, I hate red. Blue it is :)
I like boys and girls together in this one :sparkleguy:

I let you choose this time so don't be afraid of the opposite sex :sparkleguy:

moichi is joining red team. moichi likes red colour :sparkleguy:

I do not post frequently so I guess I'm not going to be a strong member at all :XD:

Special_K said:
Awww...THE Dando doesn't want to be on my team? :psst:

Well, one of the reason I don't join the red team is because of K was there

No, just kidding :ohoho:

It's just, I don't really like red. Blue is my forever favorite color. Beside orange..
Hmm... I like both colours, actually, as well as yellow. But between red and blue, I guess red wins. :ayashii: Also, red is the colour of Kyouko's hair... (but then again, blue is the colour of Sayaka's, so this criterio won't get me anywhere :TdT: :XD: ).

Thus, signing up for the red team. :hero:
Little team formation info:

Nick Hunter
Eddie エディ


C'mon people Blue team needs a bit of love
Ehhh.....last minute change...... Gomen! :bow:

Because of my planned absence in June, I will pull out from this game completely.

Sorry red team!!
:omg: Poor Blue Team! 3 vs. 5...

Okay, to even out the numbers, ign me up for Blue! Although Cerise = Crimson in French :XD: I probably won't be very useful but I shall try to help the team :ohoho: