I know there's a somewhat similar topic, but this is a bit different:
Show your Japanese names!
My name:
When written in Korean: 長谷川 Hasegawa 明日香 Asuka
When written in Chinese characters: 水橋 Mizuhashi 美弥子 Miyako
When written in English: 山下 Yamashita 三千代 Michiyo
LOL Asuka
And the Mizuhashi one perfectly looks like a combination of 'Mizu no Akashi' and 'Gin no Hashi'
I like the Mizuhashi Miyako one best
Show your Japanese names!

My name:
When written in Korean: 長谷川 Hasegawa 明日香 Asuka
When written in Chinese characters: 水橋 Mizuhashi 美弥子 Miyako
When written in English: 山下 Yamashita 三千代 Michiyo
LOL Asuka

And the Mizuhashi one perfectly looks like a combination of 'Mizu no Akashi' and 'Gin no Hashi'

I like the Mizuhashi Miyako one best