"Vanitas no Karte" music composed by Yuki Kajiura (OST on Feb 23, 2022)

But 99% possibility KnY wont have YK ost involvement...
We'll know soon enough. They haven't updated the official site with a BD page for Nookie Arc yet.

Nevermind they just did

■特典CD(劇伴音楽集 フィルムスコアリング版)

Go Shiina.
Oh wait, I'm dum. It's still not announced who.

BUT the BD only has episode 1 so... go figure who it might be.
But 99% possibility KnY wont have YK ost involvement...

(sorry this line was mine and i accidentally edited Just's post cause i was planning to move it to KnY thread but changed opinion lol)
^ Thank you! For now they just read some fan letters ^^;

Its nice that they play the soundtrack in the background.

Really wonder why they hold off releasing the soundtrack around this time if its already recorded.

Btw the vgmdb page for the soundtrack updated with a product code: SVWC-70577~8
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https://vanitas-anime.com/news/?id=59335 new key visual
Also, https://twitter.com/vanitas_anime/status/1469270292212359169
OST to be released this Feb will also include the BGM for the 2nd cour as expected

which probably means alot of non-included BGMs since the ones already used on 1st court were for 2 CDs

If they use the usual spoilerish titles they re gonna spoil the plot lol

OST coverart:
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We blessed.

A standalone.
A very good cover.
A very good release date, TBH.
Hopefully a complete collection like her latest OSTs seem to be.

I figure the 2nd cour probably didn't have all the music recorded when the 1st cour was airing so they could've skipped some tracks from OST1 to include on OST2 and then not have space on OST2 to include all tracks from cour 2.
Not to mention it is cheaper than separate OSTs.

@george1234 Did we forget old Victor OSTs were around 50 minutes long each and were pretty much never complete? Not to mention tracks from episode 1s which were held back to OST2s...

inb4 this OST is 50min on each disc. Still cheaper though.

We blessed.
Back then on old victor osts i never paid attention to OST durations since all musics were so good 😅 And yes those unreleased bgms still hurt me. Btw still wondering why Kajiura's largest money cow SAO, still has some unreleased musics from S1 and GGO.
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Expected the OP announcement at least but no.
Based on what you're guys saying, I'm hoping for longer discs, cuz if they include the 2nd cour and we still end up having a short soundtrack, it means that there are few chances for anything we've heard so far to be longer. And I'll be praying for no more new music every new episode.
About the coverart, it doesn't look appealing to me, I think I'd have had instant purchased it if it was for a beautiful Mochizuki's manga drawing (looks like a still from anime).
About the coverart, it doesn't look appealing to me, I think I'd have had instant purchased it if it was for a beautiful Mochizuki's manga drawing (looks like a still from anime).
I see what you are saying (TBH the original announcement promo visual would've been nice too) but looking at the latest key visual and considering something like that could've been an option... we blessed, in my eyes.

I got Murr.
The cover could be even worse than an anime still. Like whole of it taken up by Vanita's face like it happened with pandora hearts 😅

Le dirigeable flottant

Promenade dans Paris

Elle s'appelle Jeanne

Les catacombes

Paris á la nuit

Le savant fou

Les Chasseurs

Rencontres à Paris
Almost forgot one: Le Livre de Vanitas
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