Last night it happened to me too.
It was somewhere inside a room, probably a school or conservatory, no idea what it exactly was. All the Kalafiction girls were present, and about 15 or 20 more Japanese girls. They were moving around, chatting and having some coffee or tea. Didn't exactly knew what I was doing there, as I was the only non-Japanese in that room.
Well, I finally overcame my shyness and moved closer and closer towards Keiko-sama because I wanted to talk to her DATTEBAYOOOO!
So then... I looked at her... I saw her in front of me. Clearly visible as if she really was there.(just that I guess she's not that tall in real life )
Then I started talking about like this; "etto.... K....Keiko-sama...."
Suddenly the door opened and my Bro came in and had a very and I mean VERY stupid look on his face. Suddenly Keiko screamed as loud as she could, in so much horror, shock and disgust; "A MAN!!!!!!!!"
(now that I think about it, it's so f*ing funny )
My Bro screamed even louder; OH MY GEE! IT'S KEIKO!!!!!!!"
That's where the dream (unfortunately) ended.
It was somewhere inside a room, probably a school or conservatory, no idea what it exactly was. All the Kalafiction girls were present, and about 15 or 20 more Japanese girls. They were moving around, chatting and having some coffee or tea. Didn't exactly knew what I was doing there, as I was the only non-Japanese in that room.
Well, I finally overcame my shyness and moved closer and closer towards Keiko-sama because I wanted to talk to her DATTEBAYOOOO!
So then... I looked at her... I saw her in front of me. Clearly visible as if she really was there.(just that I guess she's not that tall in real life )
Then I started talking about like this; "etto.... K....Keiko-sama...."
Suddenly the door opened and my Bro came in and had a very and I mean VERY stupid look on his face. Suddenly Keiko screamed as loud as she could, in so much horror, shock and disgust; "A MAN!!!!!!!!"
(now that I think about it, it's so f*ing funny )
My Bro screamed even louder; OH MY GEE! IT'S KEIKO!!!!!!!"
That's where the dream (unfortunately) ended.