Temperament ensemble


I adore Yuki
How Would you put yukis singers in terms of the four Temperament ensemble
Since yuki works with many I am ging online to put the mein four fj singers
For Choleric i have keiko being the one which Tried to push kalafina and being aggressively in a positive way
Melancholic is a bit difficult but i think thar yuriko Would fit the Bill since she seems the Mode thoughtful (before 2018 i wozld say wakana Fitted the Bill the best)
Phlegmatic Post 2018 joelle as she is calm (pre 2018 yuriko)
Sanguinic is clearly kaori as she is charismatic and expressive and esoecially nowadays offen radiant in her temperament
I think we cant tell because we know only their proffessional / promotional side and not them as actual people. Futhermore japanese have this tatemae / honee duo where they say to everyone whatever is most fitting on the situation and not what they actually think inside their mind. As an example someone might act happy polite and cheerful on camera / stage but actually hate the job and everyone else around
I kinda knew its more like in works were we have a certain picture of the characters. It is clear that its far difficult to know the real character but to a degree you could kinda knew the character cause humans without wanting it will tell you something about themselves. this is what cold readers are using.
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Ah im not good eith psycology or reading people from expressions or body movement but i know its a thing.

There was criminal case here where someone killed his wife and made everything to look like its done by criminals who broke in, and next morning and for a whole month he was giving interviews and pretending he was sad and even went to her funeral. Police arrested him right aftee cause he found fingerprints on tape he tie himself wiith (😅). Later it was discoved by the media thst someone had done details analysis of his face and movements one first day and came to the conclusion he was lying.
How Would you put yukis singers in terms of the four Temperament ensemble
Since yuki works with many I am ging online to put the mein four fj singers
For Choleric i have keiko being the one which Tried to push kalafina and being aggressively in a positive way
Melancholic is a bit difficult but i think thar yuriko Would fit the Bill since she seems the Mode thoughtful (before 2018 i wozld say wakana Fitted the Bill the best)
Phlegmatic Post 2018 joelle as she is calm (pre 2018 yuriko)
Sanguinic is clearly kaori as she is charismatic and expressive and esoecially nowadays offen radiant in her temperament
There are many aspects to consider for each person from the on-stage presentation, to the interview vibe, to their blog posts, to comments from others about them.

We would just be speculating about them, really, but to an extent we do speculate about a lot of things as fans - so we can’t always be 100% sure.
I kinda knew its more like in works were we have a certain picture of the characters. It is clear that its far difficult to know the real character but to a degree you could kinda knew the character cause humans without wanting it will tell you something about themselves. this is what cold readers are using.
Ok, so I'll be assuming you’re referring to the most recent main four: Joelle, Yuriko Kaida, Keiko, and Kaori.

Also, I think a based on a combination of the basic 4 types you used, people tend to have both a dominant and a less-dominant personality type. So they combine 2 of the types (I can't recall the name of that system).

Additionally, people generally improve on their weaknesses as they get older.

1. Joelle.
She maintains a composed / organized presentation on stage. She seems sensitive in her singing and interactions. She also has a dramatic side. I would suggest she has a melancholic side at least.

2. Yuriko Kaida.
The head voice queen. I've seen her seemingly mood shift when the ladies to her right get praised highly by Kajiura (almost as if she's jealous 😆). Those instances were when Kajiura called Joelle "megumi" in YKL17 and Wakana "megumi" in YKL4(?). I feel that Kajiura saved the situation by calling Kaida an "angel" immediately after. 👼 (Kajiura has also called Eri Ito and Yuri Kasahara "megumi" at some point I feel).

I suspect one of Yuriko's love languages is words of affirmation! 👑 She's also quite reserved but strong-willed and firm, maybe from being older. She sometimes seems uncomfortable with being in the centre of attention for extended periods on stage! I think she has a sanguine and melancholic mix.

3. Keiko.
I would say Keiko is a lady of opposites: reserved but adventurous; a self-starter but also likes to wholeheartedly follow people she respects (her older sister, Kajiura). There's definite a slightly visible tendency to have things go her way at times (see how she takes the reins when Hikaru is around 😆). Choleric and phlegmatic.

4. Kaori.
Bold, confident but also a little bashful in some contexts. She's always been someone who's very confident in her looks (on stage at least) and is charismatic and talkative (coming from a talkative part of Japan I suspect). I would say she's sanguine+phlegmatic.
Ok, so I'll be assuming you’re referring to the most recent main four: Joelle, Yuriko Kaida, Keiko, and Kaori.

Also, I think a based on a combination of the basic 4 types you used, people tend to have both a dominant and a less-dominant personality type. So they combine 2 of the types (I can't recall the name of that system).

Additionally, people generally improve on their weaknesses as they get older.

1. Joelle.
She maintains a composed / organized presentation on stage. She seems sensitive in her singing and interactions. She also has a dramatic side. I would suggest she has a melancholic side at least.

2. Yuriko Kaida.
The head voice queen. I've seen her seemingly mood shift when the ladies to her right get praised highly by Kajiura (almost as if she's jealous 😆). Those instances were when Kajiura called Joelle "megumi" in YKL17 and Wakana "megumi" in YKL4(?). I feel that Kajiura saved the situation by calling Kaida an "angel" immediately after. 👼 (Kajiura has also called Eri Ito and Yuri Kasahara "megumi" at some point I feel).

I suspect one of Yuriko's love languages is words of affirmation! 👑 She's also quite reserved but strong-willed and firm, maybe from being older. She sometimes seems uncomfortable with being in the centre of attention for extended periods on stage! I think she has a sanguine and melancholic mix.

3. Keiko.
I would say Keiko is a lady of opposites: reserved but adventurous; a self-starter but also likes to wholeheartedly follow people she respects (her older sister, Kajiura). There's definite a slightly visible tendency to have things go her way at times (see how she takes the reins when Hikaru is around 😆). Choleric and phlegmatic.

4. Kaori.
Bold, confident but also a little bashful in some contexts. She's always been someone who's very confident in her looks (on stage at least) and is charismatic and talkative (coming from a talkative part of Japan I suspect). I would say she's sanguine+phlegmatic.
The Thing about kaori is that she is from kanagawa and of most female celebs from there i hat rhis feeling