I adore Yuki
How Would you put yukis singers in terms of the four Temperament ensemble
Since yuki works with many I am ging online to put the mein four fj singers
For Choleric i have keiko being the one which Tried to push kalafina and being aggressively in a positive way
Melancholic is a bit difficult but i think thar yuriko Would fit the Bill since she seems the Mode thoughtful (before 2018 i wozld say wakana Fitted the Bill the best)
Phlegmatic Post 2018 joelle as she is calm (pre 2018 yuriko)
Sanguinic is clearly kaori as she is charismatic and expressive and esoecially nowadays offen radiant in her temperament
Since yuki works with many I am ging online to put the mein four fj singers
For Choleric i have keiko being the one which Tried to push kalafina and being aggressively in a positive way
Melancholic is a bit difficult but i think thar yuriko Would fit the Bill since she seems the Mode thoughtful (before 2018 i wozld say wakana Fitted the Bill the best)
Phlegmatic Post 2018 joelle as she is calm (pre 2018 yuriko)
Sanguinic is clearly kaori as she is charismatic and expressive and esoecially nowadays offen radiant in her temperament