People want to be good on something because they enjoy it, or because they want people to admire they for they great knowledge on that subject.
Just answer me why do you want to write, compose or be a genius in general
I do not know why this thread was revived for some reason but I think you cannot easily relate to you because my mind is different from yours.
I know we all have strengths and weaknesses but having to much strength is a burden. (I have experienced that).
I know that at least once in your lives, You all wish to be the best in everything.
I myself, Has an arsenal of achievements in extra-curricular.
I made my School proud in a National Chemistry competition.
I made countless extra-curicular achievements.
But I tell you that It is worth regretting.
Living with a lot of assets is so dead tiring.
I may be proud of myself but I tell you it's horrible.
I myself has a very good talent in Music and as a same time, I am a science progidy. I like Music and enjoy music but everyone expects me to be a good scientist.
My heart is divided between Music and Science (Chemistry to be exact).
It was my friends idea that I will try my best to join the ranks of Universal Geniuses like GOETHE, LEIBNIZ, LEONARDO DA VINCE and ALBERT EINSTEIN.
The countless achievements that I have made in Science has turned my life into a nightmare. Just every people in our school have judgments on me and I have to be what they think I am.
At the same time, The music club in our school and even our school think of me as a very good musician. When it comes to musical things, they all go to me. If not,To the Music Club Drummer.
I have one of the the best spatial knowledge in School.
The Drafting subject in our school is suppose to be 2 hours since Drafting is really a very hard subject.
We'll I can finish one in 10~15 minutes and I will have my whole class rely on my ability.
Some classmates admire my mathematical ability and they come early in school to copy my assignments. It might be unfair but I'ts OK for me.
I do some of their projects.
but of course, I do not really make them 100% dependent on me.
Let us say, 30% dependence.
You may be disgusted with my statements but for me I must do it.
They will ignore me if I don't. My friends would hate me.
My crush will be so down.
And second, I cannot stand my friend who will suffer.
We'll I am graduating High School so this is Paradise for me.
MEn, I wish I was born in Japan.
I could have been admitted in Tokyo University.
BTW, About my I.Q.
ACcording to the I.Q. test that I have taken a year ago at school.
My I.Q. is 149 which in near to Genius level.
130~140: Superior
140~150: Gifted
150+: Genius