Small Things You Notice in Kajuira / Kalafina lives

Ghost Reaper

Bowl of Yuki-shaped cereal
What are some things you notice in their lives that are not obvious on first view ?

One thing I notice is how Keiko will sync her movements with Kaori when they are singing together or both are not singing. Kaori doesn't do this though. I noticed how Keiko is constantly glancing at Kaori to see what she is doing, then she syncs with her. For me, it's eye catching to see them do this.

I haven't seen Keiko do syncing with any of the others or in Kalafina.
^ Probably because they have less experience performing together so they need to eye contact to synch well. She knows all the other from Kalafina, and Yuriko even if not part of Kalafina officially she does alot of studio choruses.