Seventh Heaven ~ male + female cover

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Well yea..sure but experiiment some more. The male vocals fit very nicely (though there's some sounds caused by the mic volume being too high - i think - and it's scratchiing the ears when listening with headphones), and i always wanted to see how it sounds with guys singing it, haha. :w00t:

Ayami's vocals are not so fortunate. She needs a little bit more practice and some more warming up before the singing to strengthen up the voice, i think. Either that or go down one octave in some places because some notes are just too high. she just can't reach there gracefully. :cheer:

Also, regardin the backing vocals, make sure to either turn those parts down or reverb the hell out of them and place them in the backgrownd. :V:

Other than that, i dunno, it's not quite finished yet. Sorry but work on it some more. :innocent:


Ayashii said:
Well yea..sure but experiiment some more. The male vocals fit very nicely (though there's some sounds caused by the mic volume being too high ........Other than that, i dunno, it's not quite finished yet. Sorry but work on it some more. :innocent:


Thank you so much for an honest opinion, Ayashii!!! I greatly appreciate it!
I will definitely take the advice about the back-up vocals and the reverb thing :XD: Yes it is a work in progress... we actually did one over the summer, and this is "Take 2" ;D

Once again: I GREATLY appreciate this!! Thanks a lot!

Kizuato...I love your version!!! ^ ^. Seventh heaven is not my favourite Kalafina's song, but your version is more...sweet..and more feminine.. I (even it's a male and female's voice instead of 3

Male's vocal is very calm and matched to the song, but I think it will be better if you can hold the steadiness of your voice when singing. Keiko always did it very well both in studio and live performance..^ ^.

For female's vocal.. I accepted that her voice is the female style that I love so much.... :shy: . However, there're some part that she's a bit off-key and/or can't sing it as powerful and steady as it should be... More practicing can make it better...^ ^.

It's take 2 for you.., and I believe that the next takes will be better and better... Practice makes perfect!!! :sparkleguy: . I'll look forwards to your next recording...^ ^.

Kagaribi no Hanabira said:
Kizuato...I love your version!!! ^ ^. Seventh heaven is not my favourite Kalafina's song, but your version is more...sweet..and more feminine.. I (even it's a male and female's voice instead of 3


It's take 2 for you.., and I believe that the next takes will be better and better... Practice makes perfect!!! :sparkleguy: . I'll look forwards to your next recording...^ ^.

Thanks so much, Kagaribi!
I agree with you when you say that my voice was unsteady... I know!!!! ;D
I have to work on it; yes. Because my friend pointed that out too.
I will work on it! Thanks again!
thankyou guys! ^_^ I'll practice more, those notes were very hard :uh..: