akai tsukikage
On Tue Jul 14, 2009 9:19 pm
From ... =firefox-a
From ... =firefox-a
maxwell9 said:In the pre-apocalyptic era i told you about i had found the movie on youtube, so i'll repost them
Tokyo Kyodai Movie (1994) -->we need to change this on the disco george ;)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
And, because i love you, i ripped the BGM music <3. click me!
Each track is named as Kara no Kyoukai ones (since it's a BGM), with full ID3 tags =D and i named the album as "東京兄弟BGM" (Tokyo Kyodai BGM).
I don't know if the first track was actually made by Yuki or if it's a classical piece (if anyone could figure this out, i'd be thankful )
Hope you enjoy it as much as i do
Kowz said:Thanks maxwell
OMG, it's going to be so different from our current Kajiura
Zuiyon said:TREASURE !!!! it's a real TREASURE
thank you so much maxwell!!
elcazador said:Thank you very much,maxwell!