Question about 'the world' lyrics


Sailor Yuki
I have a question...

Though the booklet says '~ever find me in any place', I keep hearing 'never' instead of 'ever' in all three versions of the song. Also, the phrase 'Hoping you will ever find me in any place' doesn't really make perfect sense.

Which one is correct? :confu:
I hear "ever," not never.

And... well, it doesn't exactly sound grammatically correct, but there are a number of errors in quite a few of Yuki's english songs. :uh..:
I hear fact I think whenever I sing along I use never as well. Oh well, it`s not much of a big deal I guess... :uh..:
Still confused...I think I'll go with 'never' for now......
After all there could be typos/or Yuki could have written a word and read it differently on she did in 'Hikari no Senritsu'(the part where WAKANA sings 'コードー')......
As far as I heard the live version, Keiko seems to make a rather smooth transition here. That would be a bit harder with "never", since the Japanese rendition of "will" slides down to "wuiru" - and it would be inevitable before the next consonant ("never"). But it's easier to sing properly if you move from [l] to a vowel, since they sum up to make a syllable themselves.
Gramatically, it's not a big mistake, rather a poetical compromise. The meaning is the same as "hoping you will find me someday" or "hoping you will someday find me", but neither option seems to fit well in the rhythm. Besides, we get "ever" and "any place" together, which suggests Yuki might have emphasized the uncertainty and/or vagueness and/or unimportance of the circumstances described.
could be implying "I" want to be sought, yet don't want to be found?? :tea:

Nick Hunter said:
The meaning is the same as "hoping you will find me someday" or "hoping you will someday find me"
Yeah, I agree with this. And I've always heard it as 'ever'.

One the other had, I usually hear the last line as "But my voice is far away to eternity" :uh..:

Nick Hunter said:
That would be a bit harder with "never", since the Japanese rendition of "will" slides down to "wuiru" - and it would be inevitable before the next consonant ("never").
As far as I know I think KEIKO isn't that bad at English, not enough to pronounce 'will' as 'wuiru'.
Well, that's rather generalised, but the phonetical pecularities of your native language will be lurking behind the curtains anyway - unless you strive to ADAPT to the way the foreign sounds are pronounced. Keiko's accent is good IMHO, but she doesn't seem to use "technical" approach and set the sounds as in British RP. And unless you actually do that, your native pronuncation IS bound to influence your speech in some way. That's what I base my observations on. Not on the fact of Keiko singing "wuiru" (she clearly doesn't), but on the potential transformation of the word "will" under the influence of Japanese phonetics.
I hear "never" from both Emily in the original version and the FJ girls in the lives... I've even done some playing around with the audio in Audacity/Soundbooth to try and isolate and clean up the vocal so that it's clearer and easier to make out.

Anyone have more audio experience and equipment than I do to possibly do some more work on this?
I definetly hear "never" just used some professional audio equipment. There is no doubt emily sings never. Unless it was edited over and the editor did a horrible job of completely erasing a take where she says never, it is most likely it is never.
Well, this option gets solid credit for making more grammatical sense, but I think we won't know exactly until/unless we hear another performance. :XD:
Has anyone that has gone to Live Vol 5 vouch for this? It was on the set list. Or anyone who saw/went to the .hack live performance last year? I think it might be awhile before we hear another release of "The World".