Purchasing Live tickets

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Sorry if this is a duplicate or has been addressed, but I thought there should be a place where people can find answers about attending Lives.

-- How much does an average ticket cost (like in Japan)?

-- How do I purchase tickets?

-- I live outside Japan - do they mail the tickets to me?

-- Is there any kind of protocol for attending Lives?

Please post your other question here.

I have a friend from Canada who's going to Japan a few months from now and is planning to attend one. I figured there are others, too, who want to know. Thanks!
This is a really good idea to make a section for this info; maybe we should add it on the main site too.

I looked back at some announcements from the past and heres what I found:

5000-6000 JPY
(For the upcoming tour, tickets are 5500 for Osaka and Sendai, 5000 for Yokohama, and 5900 for Tokyo)

You can buy them at Lawson Ticket - http://l-tike.com/
(Search Kalafina or 梶浦由記 in the box)

I think you can pick up your preordered tickets at the venue
Thanks Kera! I definitely saw Kalafina listed there, but not FJ, though. Any other sites?
FJ is there if you search for 梶浦由記, im not sure why entering "fictionjunction" alone doesnt work becuase that word definitely appears in the search results @_@
Ah, there they are. I'll be sure to let my Canuck friend know. :ayashii: