Petite Cossette OST had a US release?

Nick Hunter

I have reached Yuki nirvana
:confu: :confu: :confu:
:confu: :ayashii: :confu:
:confu: :confu: :confu:

Well... I got these scans the other day, and was rather surprised... Everything's in English, including the transliteration AND translaton of Houseki, a comment from Yuki and all credits. :waii: Judging by the tracklist, there are no tracks omitted either (unlike in the US release of Fiction :bloodlust: ).
The distribution is credited to Geneon; according to Pikiwedia, they did release the OVAs themselves overseas, but there's no mention of the OST, either separate or bundled. Still, I wonder if it might still be on sale... Could be relatively easier to get one's hands on than its Japanese counterpart. :stars:
I have the Geneon english releases of madlax, aquarian age, boogiepop, and some others I don't remember I think. I think naoise has cossette and noir... I remember being so excited buying them XD

it's impossible now because Geneon died a few years ago and the only ones available now are leftovers that sometimes (rarely) pop up at anime conventions :cry:

they were the only legitimate publishers in north america :( now all we can get are those very well made bootlegs by MIYA
Track Listings
1. Introduction Listen
2. Asura Listen
3. Fuyu No Shizuku (Droplets of Winter) Listen
4. Hayate Gumo (Whirlwind Clouds) Listen
5. Gratitude -Ookina Kuri No Ki No Shitade- (-Under a Large Chesnut Tree-) Listen
6. Gen'ei (Illusion) Listen
7. Itaiyo (It Hurts) Listen
8. Hitorigoto (Soliloquy) Listen
9. Koe Ga Todokunara (If My Voice Is to Be Heard) Listen
10. Lament Listen
11. Ashiato (Footprint) Listen
12. Hane (Wings) Listen
13. Kanariya (Canary) [Sorma No. 3 Re-Mix]

I have the Geneon english releases of madlax, aquarian age, boogiepop, and some others I don't remember I think.

At least I have learnt that Yuki' OSTs WERE released overseas once... :TdT: ... 3cb4bb6c19

eBay is a goldmine... that has now officially broken any possible deals involving the word "Belarus". Can't even really blame them... :uh..: :uh..: :uh..:

Lol the tracklist is from KOTOKo's debut album hane

After encountering Key of the Twilight in the bootleg edition of Enya's album, such things hardly surprise me. :psst:
Announced on CD Japan:

Le Portrait de Petit Cossette (Cossette no Shozo) [w/ Bonus CD, Limited Edition]
日本語タイトル: コゼットの肖像 [特典CD付完全生産限定版]/ アニメ

Blu-ray release from "Le Portrait de Petit Cossette" anime series including the complete 3 OVA episodes. Comes with a packaging illustrated by the character designer Hirobumi Suzuki, bonus CD with main songs, and special booklet.

(All product details, including availability, images, language(s), special features, and bonus extras, are subject to change without prior notice. Actual item weight may be different from the one indicated above.)
Description in Japanese
コゼットの肖像 [特典CD付完全生産限定版]/ アニメ

2004年に発売されたOVA「コゼットの肖像」全3作品をブルーレイ・クオリティで1枚に収録!新房監督自身「魔法少女まどか☆マギカ」の原点と語る作品。公開オーディションで、新人だった井上麻里奈がヒロイン役を射止める。また、梶浦由記プロデュースによる主題歌「宝石」で歌手デビューも果した。 ── あらすじ骨董店「香蘭堂」でアルバイトをする画学生・倉橋永莉は、古びたカットグラスの中に映る金髪碧眼の可憐な少女に想いを寄せ、人ならぬ幻との逢瀬を密やかに楽しんでいた。しかし、それは"呪われし器物"が引き寄せた宿命の二人の悲劇の始まりだった・・・。 ◇全3話収録 【完全生産限定版特典】 ★キャラクターデザイン:鈴木博文描きおろしパッケージ ★特典CD ・井上麻里奈による主題歌CD「宝石」「Ballad」 ★特別編集版解説書

From the announcement it seems the bonus CD only comes with Houseki and Ballad. Shame. It would've been nice if the bonus CD included some of the BGMs in the versions they appeared in the show. Here's Unhallowed as an example (!spoilers for animu!):

(Actually this is the only one I can clearly remember having a different version, lol. I like it more than the OST edit.)

Don't really trust the Bluray's going to look pretty since it didn't look that great on DVD in the first place. It's surprisingly cheap, too, hmmm...
Quite a few soundtracks--including Yuki's--got US releases from Geneon before they went under. Noir OST I & II, both Madlax OSTs, Petite Cossette, even Aquarian Age.

.hack//SIGN had the CDs bundled with the limited edition DVDs, iirc. Aniplex is still doing that with some shows, like Madoka Magica and the recent release of Fate/Zero (cheaper than the import box now... but still outside of my budget range).
Late reply, but I hope this helps...

I own the 2004 Geneon album, which is I think the US import. I thought I paid a lot for it at the time, so it must've been before I knew how much CD albums in Japan go for! :omg: Here's the full tracklisting, as it's written on the back:

1. the main theme of Petite Cossette
2. somewhere I belong
3. moonflower
4. sadness
5. regret
6. love pain
7. unhallowed
8. leave me cold
9. breakdown
10. in a beautiful morning of May
11. a prophet's dream
12. undertow
13. float
14. fake jewel
15. silent ceremony
16. evocation
17. my love, so sweet
18. jewel

The inlay has a translation of the end theme in romanji and English, plus English-language production credits and a short couple of paragraphs where Yuki outlines the background to her part in the project.

If it is indeed discontinued, it's a shame. I absolutely LOVE this album. Thanks for reminding me about it!