Notice to SH fans


Sailor Yuki
The Korean SH fan cafe is preparing a message-sending event for the 5th anniversary of SH's major debut.

Since the cafe wants messages from SH fans around the world, I am advertising about this event.

Now, about the event:

By participating in the event, you can send your personal messages to various SH members.

(To be exact, Yokoyan, Revo, Jimang, At-chan, Ei-chan, Jake, Kame-chan and the string inst. players, Ryo, Ken☆Ken, Ike, Saka Tomotaka, Takashi Utsunomiya, MIKI, KAORI, REMI, YUUKI, RIKKI, and Azumi Inoue.)

I would if you guys would participate! :-)

E-mail me the messages in English or non-broken Japanese to
Last, the deadline will be the 24th of October.



In short, the Korean SH cafe is doing a similar thing we did for Yuki's birthday last year.
Participate, please! :plot:
I'll keep this in mind and will do it when I've finally figured what to send :ghost:
......what to write.... :cry:
If I can think of what to write before the deadline, I will send it, if not, then...
T___________T why wasant i here when this was going on nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo :cry: :cry: :cry:
feels so bad T__T !

Lyhs said:
T___________T why wasant i here when this was going on nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo :cry: :cry: :cry:
feels so bad T__T !
Don't worry, two days are left. :-)
I was considering USA's timeline when I wrote the notice, because some people can judge by their own timelines+I don't think I have enough time to translate messages sent on the 26th(in the Korea timeline).