
For those of you more used to reading Japanese than me (read almost everyone) and have ventured on to (surely a few of you), what do you find most worthwhile about the site, and has anyone actually paid a premium membership?
I only registered for Fate/Zero (and due to server overload, ended up mostly waiting for fansub group releases all the same :XD: ), and since then I occasionally visit it to check out rarer MADs and trailers which haven't been ported to Youtube yet.
I don't have a premium membership, but it hasn't hurt me too much. I registered so I can see livestream videos, and I also found some obscure Kajiura-sensei and See-Saw songs there that I couldn't find on Youtube. It's not as varied as Youtube, but it's pretty good. I also like the instant-comment feature, although big amounts of comments going across the screen can get annoying. (There is a way to turn them off, though.)
Thanks, I found out that it wouldn't accept my visa card, and also that it seems to depend on flash to display videos.

Oh well...

Thanks for the comments, ninetales and Nick.
I registered at 2008 because back then I was able to listen to new Ali project stuff one day before the release there it was great :dote:
I signed up to check out NicoNico artists' music. The mass of onscreen comments is fun :XD: I don't speak Japanese, though.