I do remember everything pretty well.
In fact, I'm now FILLED with love that I just can't forget cosplay now...
I'm already thinking of my next cosplay...
Anyway, here is a little journal of what hapenned!!!
I left Brussels around 10 o clock. I had to be in Paris around 15 to pick up a friend at the airport. About one hour on the road... I was thinking about my cosplay ... and then it hit me: I forgot my expensive trousers I bought for my cosplay!
I didn't have much choise... had to go back. I admit I drove quiet fast because I couldn't afford to be too late in Paris.
I arrived around 14.30 at the hotel, and an hour later at the airport.
Paris Charles de Gaule has 3 terminals.... and you have to take the car to go from one to another \o/ It took me almost 45 to find the right terminal -_-
On my way to the aiport I also got a police control of my identity! I was trembling, didn't knew how to react, even if I had all my papers I was just ... impressed? :p But it went all well!
Few hours laters, we went to the expo to get our tickets for the next days, and took a quick look. It was so huge! I was already excited to be the next day, so I could dress up in my cosplay!
Friday morning, I got up at 6.50 in the morning, so I could shave myself before having breakfast. I do have a very sensitive skin, and if I don't let my skin rest an hour or two, it'll look red! Even those silly 15€ products from Loreal don't help

(but I still buy them lol).
After breakfast, I quickly prepared my cosplay, putting my wig on, ironing my trousers, removing all those little fur-leftovers...
I remember I had to go to the reception of the hotel to pay for my parking ticket.... but forgot to do it while I was not in cosplay so..... I remember walking in the room with my wig and people started staring at me. I was so shy!

I didn't knew what to do! It was my first contact with the public! Soooo.... We finally took the car and drove to the expo to be on time!
The expo was open for public around 11 if I can recall... but I had some VIP tickets where I could go in at 9.30. The thing is... that I was around 9 a.m. at the entrance, and someone from the staff noticed me and asked: 'Do you participate to the CLAMP cosplay event'? I said yes... and they told me I could get in!!! I was so lucky :p I told my friend to hold my staff, and told the security that he was helping me out with the cosplay... so he could get early also
I had to go to a information desk where I had to subscribe for the preselection for the CLAMP cosplay.
They were over a hundred participants, and only 25 could go on the main stage and meet with CLAMP.... ! I was so afraid, it was my first cosplay, I didn't knew how to act, how to take a pose for the photographs...!
I had a few minuts left before I had to prepare myself backstage for the preselection.
So I went out.... and ... and.... well I got ATOMIZED by photographers, literally. I couldn't make one move before someone asked me if they could take a pic. The thing is, when one person asks, 20 others people jumps right in front of you to also take a picture! some other people ask to be next to me... others ask me to go next to another cosplayer!
I started to get comfortable in my costume... taking poses, but it was quiet hot!
I remember walking quickly from on point to another.... and felt like someone was following me. But I didn't knew where the feeling came from... until I stopped for another visitor who wanted a picture. There, on my left, my eyes started to twinkle. I saw a nice asian-looking boy, dressed up in white?, starring at me. I knew it was my zuizui-pon! So I said "Zuiyon"? At the look of his face... I wasn't wrong!
We chatted only a little... I had to go back for the preselection! But before that... I got next to a Sakura-hime... people love when two cosplayers band together for pictures! And there it was, the camera that made me famous on the japanese television
I had to leave zuizui and went backstage, for which should have been 30 mins of waiting. The fact is I waited 1.30 to get on stage! The good thing is that I met with other belgian cosplayers, I talked to a lot of interesting people.... so the waiting time wasn't that terrible. Each cosplay was better one from another! I wondered if I could be one of the 25 lucky people that could do the REAL thing before CLAMP....
When they announced the results of the preselection, I jumped and screamed! I was so happy! Out of more than 100 people, a jury thought my cosplay was good enough to participate in the real contest. Yahoooo
I already lost like 1 or 2 kg of water, due to the hot weather and my hot cosplay... so I went to drink some water before parading through the halls. It was incredible.... People told me nice compliments, hugged me (yes... there was a 'Free Hug' wave all over the contest, and people liked to hug me :p)...
Around 15 p.m. it was time for me to go back backstage and wait for the staff to guide us to the big stage... I didn't had the time to go and visit that stage so I didn't knew how it looked! We all prepared ourselves and went through some dark halls.... until I came into the big hall with the stage. This was my face: :omgwtf: :omgwtf: :omgwtf: :omgwtf:
Holy crap! What's that huge stage doing there! There were also 3 big screens broadcasting what was hapenning on stage.
A friend of me arrived and told me there were like 5000 people (and probably much more) in front of the main stage. That's about the time I started to panic! I told everyone around me I was afraid! Luckily, I had some veteran cosplayers helping me out, reassuring me that it's great to be on stage...
When it was time, someone on the main stage announced the CLAMP. They came on the stage... everyone was screaming of joy... I almost cry as I was so happy. One girl behind me almost fainted
We had a big screen backstage, were we could see the performanced of everyone... The first couple to go on stage was a Sakura and Syaoran. (The sakura that's next to me on the japanese television :p) I was overfilled with joy. Probably because almost everyone used some Kajiuran music!
It was about to be my turn... Someone of the technical staff asked me if they should launch my music right from the start. I told them yes!
The person on stage that was introducing the cosplayers then started to introduce myself. She told something like: And now for the girls.... Fye from Tsubasa Chronicle! I remember hearing the girls screaming like hell. Now I was in total panic! I decided to put on my hood over my head, and that it began.... The music started (Himitsu from Noir), and I mystically walked onto the stage. Around the center I let my hood down. Another scream.... Then I was at the end of the stage. And I saw them, all 4 members of clamp, acclaiming me, applauding me. I could see their satisfaction. I was so thrilled! I then made a little bow... turned.... and slowly went backstage.
You have to know I only had like 30 seconds for my performance!
I didn't win or anything like that... but for me, I already had everything I dreamed about: Performing on stage before clamp... it was the greatest gift I could get. At least I tought so!
I'll finish my post quickly (Oh crap I wrote so much

There was the Yui Makino concert, which Zuizui already talked about.... and then.... I GOT LUCKY (I won a ticket...) and could meet with Clamp to get an autograph! I ran from the concert of Yui to the Clamp. I was the last one to get in. They saw me from far away, and already waved at me! I was in heaven. when it was finally my turn, I first met with Mokona, who told me I was so brave to have such a hot costume, that my performance was great and that they loved my costume. We talked a little about how I love their work... Luckily there was a translator, but I managed to drop of a few japanese words :)
One of them then took out her mobile phone, took some pics, asked someone from the staff to take also pictures... and they took my hand to shake it as a farewell... (the other people before me didn't get that chance

). I felt the tears in my eyes, but I had to stay calm!
Few minuts later and next to Clamp was Yui Makino. Someone from the staff was nice enough to take a picture with her if you lent him your camera. I arrived before her. She told me: "Sugoi! Fye D. Flowright desu ne?" "Hai hai!" I responded.... I told her in english I hoped she'd work once again with Yuki Kajiura, she smiled (I wonder if she got that?) and then we took the picture!
I remember meeting with Ely and Bocko also :) A picture should be online soon.
Wow... I think I almost told everything I wanted to say!
Oh yes... I was asked by a profesionnel photographer to participate in a big european cosplaying book... I wonder if I'll do it !
Anyway... the weekend ended quiet... sadly (Yeah, I'm single again

) but there were so many great things that hapenned that I can live with it...
I think cosplaying is going to become one of my favourite hobbies
I got so much love, attention, compliments... It was a great feeling. And it's only my first cosplay!
Too bad Ryv-sama wasn't here!...