Makoto Shinkai's "Crossroad" with Nagi Yanagi



HOME > 受験生応援ストーリー「クロスロード」 【Z会×新海誠 コラボレーション】

監督 : 新海誠
キャラクターデザイン・作画監督 : 田中将賀
1998年にTVアニメ「プリンセスナイン 如月女子高野球部」でアニメーターデビュー。TVアニメ「家庭教師ヒットマンREBORN!」(2006~)で初めてキャラクターデザインを務める。その後、長井龍雪監督らとタッグを組んだTVアニメ「とらドラ!」(2008)が大ヒット。その他、TVアニメ「学園黙示録 HIGHSCHOOL OF THE DEAD」(2010)、TVアニメ「あの日見た花の名前を僕達はまだ知らない。」(2011)、同作劇場版(2013)、TVアニメ「あの夏で待ってる」(2012)でもキャラクターデザイン・総作画監督などを務めた。近年ではイラストレーターとしても活躍中。
歌 : やなぎなぎ

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Wow, that anime looks gorgeous...and Makoto Shinkai was the one who did 5cm per second?!! :waii: I should probably check out Yanagi's Tokohana soon though :XD: Is "Danny Boy" going to be the anime's ED or OP theme? :confu:
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Ohhhhhhh I it was just an ad for Z-kai education company :ayashii: It looked so much like a PV for a full anime, I guess I got tricked like with how Free! fooled everyone when it first came out as an ad as well :XD:
Free! was originally just a commercial that went so viral they decided they had to make a series for it :XD:

Wikipedia said:
Animation Do released a splash image for a new project in April 2012, which was followed by a television commercial for the project in March 2013.[10] The commercial quickly went viral among fans—especially users of the blogging site Tumblr, who quickly developed a sequel around what they dubbed as the "swimming anime".[11] Despite only being a 30-second commercial, a wide variety of fan works expanding upon the nameless characters from the ad were created, including hypothetical biographies, art, and fan fiction, along with online petitions calling on the studio to turn it into a real series.[12]
George, this thread is 2 years old already. it's just recently been necrobumped. Why do you complain about it now? And stop bothering Kuga-san. How else are we gonna know the daily lives and the activities, musical or not, of (mostly unknown, at least to me) Japanese singers.
Why did you made a different thread for this, it could go under "Nagi Yanagi" nicely.

Well, I'd created this thread first then figured that it would be good to have a separate thread for Nagi Yanagi (I like her music, seen her live twice, and she has collaborated with Chiaki Ishikawa and been involved with Norn9 along with Kaori Oda and Australian composer Kevin Penkin).

Makoto Shinkai has had great anime and it is good to have a thread for him also.