M01, M02... What is "M"?? - Yuki Kajiura Tracklisting

Atlas Star

El Cazador de la Yuki
Hey guys - silly question I've always wondered about.

Why does Kajiura list her songs as M01, 02, and so on? Prime example is the Kara no Kyoukai soundtrack.

She also does this for kalafina track lists and setlists for lives.

What does "M" mean?
M means "music" and the number is the priority it was used in the show (at least in the Knk bundled osts) eg M01 is always first track that appears on each movie.

and its not just Yuki Kajiura, other composers do it too, its rare though. (wait a bit for examples)
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Come now, no need for ellipses :p I only follow Kalafina for their music. I know nothing about anime or any other aspects of JPop.
M means "music" and the number is the priority it was used in the show (at least in the Knk bundled osts) eg M01 is always first track that appears on each movie.

and its not just Yuki Kajiura, other composers do it too, its rare though. (wait a bit for examples)

You're absolutely right, I think it's common practice during the production phase but doesn't usually carry over onto soundtracks, which are usually just given titles. KnK OSTs are the only ones I can think that do that. It's done in film scoring so I assume it carries over into anime scoring too.
It can mean whatever they want it to mean. When they can't be bothered to title tracks for the official release (which happens often) sometimes you'll get production codes (like recording session number, order of the compositions itself), sometimes numerals in the order they were used in the show (which is the case in Kara no Kyoukai). There are also those times when we get both an official title and production code. Most importantly, though, it's just something to infuriate the completionists when all the music composed for the show doesn't get released...
LOL I remember the "bridges" in .hack that were missing some numbers, and some M#'s that were missing some numbers in-between XD

i think its really rare to find a show where absolutely everything gets released. I think only Mai-otome came close to this.
You mean in general or just among Kajiura shows? Well, guess either way you're right. There's a good couple with AFAIK complete soundtracks though.