Corpse Princess
this is just a thread where people can share there art work!!!! lets see some pics 

murrue02 said:You can post your drawings at the creative corner right?
anyway here's Lunamaria Hawke from Gundam Seed Destiny
Why, thank you for your compliments, I don't get a lot of it at home, so I used to keep my drawings to myself..i didn't love Lunamaria that much in the beginning (it's pretty obvious who's my favorite right), but I grew to like her as I watch the series again and again.As for the coloring, I scan books about mangas at the bookstore, i can'r afford to buy it though, observing my bog brother and anime itself.if you just keep on practicing, I know you'll improve.ritardando said:OMG I love it!! The body proportion is perfect, and your coloring is nice (I can't do that, my drawing always and always will be monochrome) Lunamaria has always been my favourite woman character from GS and GSD (never like Lacus Clyne, and Cagalli in GSD is so frustrating -.-)