a record of kalafinaclub broadcast,128k mp3 15:10(loseless is too large,and i think broadcast has no necessary to record a lossless)
with a small part of Japanese and chinese translation from a kalafina fan(maybe he is too busy to do all he translation one time so he translate a part of it at first),i want to translate it to english,but my english is poor so i give up the idea ,maybe someone could translate the japanese to english(or even dictate all the broadcast ).
and i add the time axis to the translation ,so the rar has a lrc in it,maybe it is useful for someone who know japanese or chinese(you can delete the axis of chinese and reserve the part of japanese).
the dowmload address as the follows:
http://cid-58bdee314ef729f7.office.live ... tCtrl_anch
with a small part of Japanese and chinese translation from a kalafina fan(maybe he is too busy to do all he translation one time so he translate a part of it at first),i want to translate it to english,but my english is poor so i give up the idea ,maybe someone could translate the japanese to english(or even dictate all the broadcast ).
and i add the time axis to the translation ,so the rar has a lrc in it,maybe it is useful for someone who know japanese or chinese(you can delete the axis of chinese and reserve the part of japanese).
the dowmload address as the follows:
http://cid-58bdee314ef729f7.office.live ... tCtrl_anch