Sorry, but I didn't know where I should put this.
Is a video of a Chiaki Ishikawa and Kalafina's cover of "anna ni issho datta no ni"
I've created this because when I saw the kalafina's cover in the Animax music fall I thought Kalafina and Chiaki should do it.
Hope you like.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-aKlUlF ... e=youtu.be
Is a video of a Chiaki Ishikawa and Kalafina's cover of "anna ni issho datta no ni"
I've created this because when I saw the kalafina's cover in the Animax music fall I thought Kalafina and Chiaki should do it.
Hope you like.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-aKlUlF ... e=youtu.be