Kalafina LIVE TOUR 2015~2016 “far on the water” in Taiwan - January 16 and 17, 2016


Kalafina staff have just announced that in addition to the Hong Kong lives, there will also be two concerts in Taiwan.

「Kalafina LIVE TOUR 2015~2016 “far on the water” in Taiwan」
Day 1: January 16, 2016 (Sat).
Day 2: January 17, 2016 (Sun).

Additional details:

「Kalafina LIVE TOUR 2015~2016 “far on the water”」の一環として下記2都市での海外公演が決定しました。

◆「Kalafina LIVE TOUR 2015~2016 “far on the water”in Taiwan」
(16日)開場:18:30 / 開演:19:30
(17日)開場:16:00 / 開演:17:00
【公演問い合わせ先】contact@abigart.com / 月~金 10:30~19:30
【チケット問い合せ先】 support@kktix.com / +886-2-2577-0362 / 月~金 09:00~18:00

This is great!.. from local tour into an Asian tour...pretty amazing!.. Im also happy for lucky fans out there. :)
This is fantastic news. I'd love to go to Taiwan, especially since Japan is a bit out of budget and HK clashes with work.
Does anybody know when the tickets go on sale, and how to buy? I live in Malaysia... ToT
I have a Taiwanese friend who have extra tickets of NTD2500 for both days. She sold at original price (plus postage fee NTD 50 or Family Mart fee NTD 30), no extra cost. Please PM me if you are interested.
You can trust Smiley by the way, we've done business before :hero:.
someone posted the following on shoutbox
(6 Jan 2016 23:08)
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Is anyone interested in tickets for Kalafina in Taiwan on Jan 17th? I have a spare ticket. Let me know on Twitter @_jojibear!
(Sorry if this isn’t the place to be asking about this.)

Kalafina ONLYSHOP in Taipei Animate store (Taiwan). Get your 「far on the water LIVE TOUR」 goods there. If you spend 400+ Taiwan dollars, you'll get a special postcard as present!
Pretty sure that's one of the ones you could get from Animate at the Kalafina Museum in Japan. I'm sure I have one.
Hi guys, I've been a total stranger. First, would like to thank Smiley for the kind offer. I did manage to buy 2 tickets in the 10 seconds before they sold out on kktix.

Second, I can't make it to Taiwan because of work. I know it's super last minute, but would anyone like 2 tickets to Saturday concert? You need to go Famimart and redeem them with the ticket fee.

I'm not asking for money, but hope that whoever takes them can make a charitable contribution to a good cause like Wikipedia.
Do we know what the final songs were yet? I'm interested to see.

EDIT: Kimi no Gin confirmed for at least one day I guess.
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I don't think it was the last song on day 1 because they also sang it on day 2 (unless it was intentional)

for 1/17 after storia they sang Kimi no Gin no Niwa, to the beginning, and Mirai
TTB is back, as well as KnGnN and Mirai as well? Interesting. Here's where the Special Final will end up with 40 songs or so because they keep adding to it.









9.One Light

10. nightmare ballet (instrumental)

11. in to the water

12. in every nothing

13. 闇の唄

14. believe

15. 灯影


17. identify

18. signal

19. 音楽

20. heavenly blue

21. far on the water

22. ring your bell

23. storia

24. 君の銀の庭
Nightmare Ballet? I don't think that's a Kalafina song, is it FJ?