There's an Kalafina interview in NEWYPE KOREA June 2013 edition and another is going to be in NYAN-TYPE KOREA July 2013.
ㄴNEWTYPE KOREA June 2013 edition cover(image from NTK official blog)
The cover for the Korean version of NYAN-TYPE isn't out yet, I think.
Here are two of the images in the interview(the other images were just 'Consolation' images so I won't put them here):
Dunno whether I'll have enough time to translate...
ㄴNEWTYPE KOREA June 2013 edition cover(image from NTK official blog)
The cover for the Korean version of NYAN-TYPE isn't out yet, I think.
Here are two of the images in the interview(the other images were just 'Consolation' images so I won't put them here):
Dunno whether I'll have enough time to translate...