おはようございます(゜▽゜)/ 準備中なう。昨日のライブが激しすぎて体中筋肉痛! 筋肉が喜んでるなう 今日も頑張るぞー by Keiko
Good Morning (゜▽゜)/! In the middle of getting ready now. Yesterday's live was too intense, I'm having muscle pain throughout my entire body! My muscles are rejoicing now. We'll do our best today too! by Keiko
L.A. Live、みんなのおかげで緊張も最後には笑顔に変わっていました!Thank you so much!! I really enjoyed our show with you!! by Hikaru
HIIIIIIIIICHAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNNNNN~~~~!!!!! Kalafinaの皆様、お疲れ様でした!L.A. Live, thanks to everyone, even our nervousness changed into smiles at the end! Thank you so much!! I really enjoyed our show with you!! by Hikaru
Oh, looks like JUNGO is flying home today after his assignment for their live.本当に楽しい時間を過ごさせていただきました。一足お先に帰ります〜 by JUNGO
Fion0806 said:きゃ〜きた〜、わかなー!けいこー!ひかるー!♪♪v(>▽<)v♪♪
Fion0806 said:三人とも可愛いな〜(ノ∇≦*)ポッ
Haha I just love how Kajiura squeals over her own girls sometimes. It's so cute.Fion0806 said:(*゚▽゚ノノ゙パチパチパチ Kalafinaでした〜!!
Looks like the team will be sticking around LA for a bit to do a photoshoot for Kalafina's upcoming album in fall. Tweet specifically mentioned "photos" but who knows, they could be shooting a video footage too like what they did for Anime Boston and Hong Kong tour.Kalafinaチームの帰国はまだちょっと先。明日は秋発売のアルバムに収録予定の写真撮影をします。アルバムも楽しみにお待ちください。
Keiri said:Looks like the team will be sticking around LA for a bit to do a photoshoot for Kalafina's upcoming album in fall. Tweet specifically mentioned "photos" but who knows, they could be shooting a video footage too like what they did for Anime Boston and Hong Kong tour.
Tweet updated and apparently they're shooting in a place with an atmosphere like thisninetales said:L.A. is such a flat city, though. They should at least drive out to San Francisco and pose with the Golden Gate Bridge in the background or something
Hmm, I wonder if they'll do a photo shoot at Griffith Observatory...
Keiri said:Tweet updated and apparently they're shooting in a place with an atmosphere like this
Which Rodeo Drive is this? It doesn't look like the one in Beverly Hills?