Kalafina at Machi Asobi vol.11 [2013-10-12]!!

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◆Kalafina、春奈るな、藍井エイル 写真


Kalafinaは今回が3度目、春奈るな、藍井エイルは2度目の参戦となるが、この3組が同じ回に出たことはない。また、彼女たちは、TVアニメ『Fate/Zero』のテーマソングを担当したことがあるという共通点もあり、今回の「マチ★アソビ vol.11」では、その辺りの盛り上がりも見られることは間違いないだろう。

また、徳島以外でも、9月23日(月・祝)新宿BLAZE<リスアニ!CIRCUIT Vol.04>には藍井エイル・春奈るな(他出演)が、10月2日(水)Zepp Sapporoで行なわれる<めざましLIVE ISLAND TOUR 2013>にはKalafinaと藍井エイルの2マンライヴが、10月19日(土)には福岡・スカラエスパシオ<V3秋の収穫祭>に藍井エイル・春奈るな(他出演)が出演するなど、この秋には、各地で彼女たちのジョイントを見る機会が多数あるので、ご当地の方は是非ともチェックして欲しい。

開催日:9月28日(土)~10月14日(月・祝) <メイン期間:10月12日(土)~10月14日(月・祝)>
マチ★アソビオフィシャルサイト http://www.machiasobi.com/

■Kalafina Information
●10月2日(水) 発売
New Single「アレルヤ」
(劇場版「空の境界 未来福音」主題歌)

●11月6日(水) 発売
New Single「君の銀の庭」
(「劇場版 魔法少女まどか☆マギカ [新編] 叛逆の物語」主題歌)

●12月11日(水) 発売
Live DVD , Blu-ray「Kalafina LIVE TOUR 2013 “Consolation” Special Final」

■藍井エイル Information
●11月13日(水) 発売
(PS3ゲーム『ドラッグ オン ドラグーン3』テーマソング「クロイウタ」も収録)

2013年10月28日(月) 渋谷公会堂
開場 18:00 / 開演 19:00
全席指定 ¥4,200-(税込)

■春奈るな Information
初回盤A(CD+BD+24P PHOTO BOOK)\3,700-
初回盤B(CD+DVD+24P PHOTO BOOK)\3,500-

2013年10月9日(水) shibuya duo MUSIC EXCHANGE
18:15開場 /19:00開演
※スタンディング ¥3,500(税込・整理番号付き)
[お問い合わせ]キョードー東京 0570-550-799 http://kyodotokyo.com

◆Kalafina オフィシャルサイト
◆藍井エイル オフィシャルサイト
◆春奈るな オフィシャルサイト
◆Kawaii girl Japan


Popular Female Artists Kalafina, Luna Haruna, and Eir Aoi to Perform at Machi Asobi Vol. 11
2013年9月15日(日) 11時36分

Translated by Tokyo Otaku Mode from the website of Anime Anime.

The Tokushima entertainment event Machi Asobi, which began in October 2009, is so popular that many fans come from outside the area to be a part of it. The 11th run of this event, titled Machi Asobi Vol. 11, will take place over three days from Oct. 12-14.

The highlights of the event are the wonderful artists who have been invited to perform. This time, the lineup consists of three artists who have worked on many anime songs: Kalafina, Luna Haruna, and Eir Aoi. These three have all worked on theme songs for the TV anime Fate/Zero, and their performances are sure to cause a huge commotion at the event. Kalafina will perform on Oct. 12, Luna Haruna will perform on Oct. 13, and Eir Aoi will perform on Oct. 14. This will mark Kalafina’s third time performing at Machi Asobi and Luna Haruna’s and Eir Aoi’s second time.

Recently, each of these artists has been incredibly active. Beginning in October, Kalafina will consecutively release CDs over a three-month span. This lineup includes “Hallelujah,” the theme song to The Garden of Sinners: Gospel in the Future, and “Kimi no Gin no Niwa,” the theme song to Madoka Magica the Movie: Rebellion. Luna Haruna just released her first album last month. In October, she will hold her first solo concert, which will be her first step to advancing further toward stardom. Eir Aoi will release her fifth single “Serious” in November. This song is also going to be used in the TV anime Kill la Kill. We can’t wait to see what songs these three will perform at Machi Asobi Vol. 11.

There will also be other chances to see these three perform live other than at this year’s Machi Asobi. Eir Aoi and Luna Haruna will be performing at Lis Ani! Circuit Vol. 4 on Sept. 23, and Kalafina and Aoi are scheduled to perform at Mezamashi Live Island Tour 2013 to be held on Oct. 2. These three artists are propelling the world of anime songs forward, so don’t take your eyes off of them.
Article written by Katsunori Takahashi

Machi Asobi Official Site
they finished performing and the setlist was put up by hikaru from their recent blog post!

overture~Manten (満天)
to the beginning
Hikari Furu (ひかりふる)
Ongaku (音楽)
Alleluia (アレルヤ)

AHHHHH THEY PERFORMED SIGNAL. :dote: :dote: :love:
thank you!! :sohappy:

http://fictionjunction.cocolog-nifty.co ... -23b7.html

It looks like Kajiura san was invited in a related event :ayashii:

10月12(土)~14日(月・祝)に徳島市内各所で開催される「マチ☆アソビ vol.11」に出演決定!!
日時:10月12日(土) 11:00-12:30

「マチ☆アソビ vol.11」ホームページ


Did she performed live there or it was just talk ?
i don't think she actually made it to this event... :TdT: in that twitter event thingy that kuga posted, i think she mentioned that she couldn't make it (but that she'll definitely be there at the FJ event that's either... today? or tomorrow??) :confu:

george1234 said:
thank you!! :sohappy:
It looks like Kajiura san was invited in a related event :ayashii:
「マチ☆アソビ vol.11」ホームページ
Not sure where to post this...

It was a talk. Seminar.
There was no stream, but thank the gods Gigazine.net has released a text version of that talk.

She talks about various points in her career, Noir, Xenosaga, Kalafina, Kara no Kyoukai, Fate Zero, Madoka Magica, etc. Mostly she talks about her process of creating music, with some specific info on some of the series. Kajiura apparently only sleeps 2 hours a day, and is pretty much working all the time when she isn't sleeping... Let us worry about her health before worrying about the utahimes, shall we? From what she says in the talk, I'm surprised she's still standing.

And the initial suggested plan for KnK ED songs was to have 7 different people sing each of the 7 ending songs. Kajiura insisted that they only use those who were good at singing and asked for auditions. So we ended up with Kalafina. Close shave eh?

There's lots of interesting information in this talk, so do read if you can read Japanese. I'd suggest google translate but when google translate gives you f***able as the translation for やれる... doesn't exactly instill much confidence.
Translating this looks way too daunting... *looks away*
Goodness, really? Now you've got me worried. Yuki is taking on a large number of projects, but I had no idea she was only getting two hours of sleep. :omg:
It's not that she can only afford 2 hours of sleep I think. It's more of how she chooses to work.

Once she starts working, she doesn't want to do anything else. She is of the thought that there's no point to taking a break for a change in pace. Stress from work doesn't go away until it is completed.

She works till what she thinks is her limit, then sleeps for like 2 hours or so.
It explains her tweeting habits somewhat though. I always see her tweeting at odd hours, waking at odd hours.
omg, only two hours ? that's terrifying :omg:

I think the number of projects isnt that large (compared to lets say 2004-5 when she was composing for Mai-Hime, Madlax, Petit Cossette, Xenosaga, Tsubasa Chronicle, Saeko, FJ Yuuka and See-Saw at the same period http://canta-per-me.net/discography/2003-2004/ - while nowdays she only had Madoka movie 3, Mirai Fukuin, the Kalafina singles and possible RHH new musiic) , rather than that she seems to have too much stress about the work.
I always know Kajiura doesn't get enough sleep by assuming it from twitter. When I woke up until 11pm, she's still there tweeting things (while it's already 1 am or 2 am there) and by the time I wake up at 5am she already tweeted things, like 2 hours earlier than me greeting good morning to everyone おはようございます!! (good morning) so...it's either she only sleeps for 2-3 hours or she doesn't sleep at all, like what Hatouchan said. :omg:

But if it's her way of doing her job, we can only hope that she'll never get sick. I know that feeling of not feeling relieved if you haven't finished your job/work-you can't simply go to sleep, and those jobs haunted your mind so you'll still think about it even when you're already laying on your bed. Please take care of yourself more, Kajiura-san!

And that close one about KnK... Thanks for staying against using 7 different people for 7 ending themes~ :XD: :sohappy: