Japanese > English translation in general

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Hello. You see, I get confused when someone translates Japanese into English. I need some education where certain words, terms, phrases, slang, whatever, particularly when Kajiura-san, and the other lovely ladies say certain things. (I get so dizzy reading the google translation of their blogs, seriously! I realize there's also http://fjenglish.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/ but I still want to learn!)

Note: what Japanese I do know I've learned from anime, haha, but that still leaves me confused whenever there are translations anyway.

For example, what do they mean when they say?
--nap (I see Wakana use this word a lot)
--morph-Toyko (morph-anything)

They also use long words that, when I enter into a translation site like
http://www.eudict.com/options.php?lang= ... &go=Search it does not seem to recognize the word. Maybe it's a combination of words? I have no idea! Or it could be a food, hm.

I'm sure I'm not the only one who's curious, so I thought I'd start this thread. Hopefully it's not a duplicate thread (sorry if it is). I'll post other words when I run into them.

Thank you!
PV = Promotional Video, (just another fancy way to say Music Video)

MC = Microphone Controller or emcee. Where the host of the event gives introductions, talks to the audience, blah blah blah...

warimashi = bonus, extra, etc...
Ahhh, THAT "MC" - that was my guess, but I had to make sure.

Thanks guys!