Yes, a lot of YK performers have an Instagram account. You can search for their names on google, and you will likely receive their Instagram account at the suggestion. There are many names of singers that you can find, along with the songs that you can add to a story post. At least that's how I did. If there is something new for you, I can help you understand how to add music to a post, or you can visit the site I used to learn it.
Yes, she does. However, because of poor media coverage, her Instagram is not that popular, which, from my perspective, is a bad thing for a media person. Besides concerts and songwriting, a media person should always work on his social media account. Personally, I work in the PR department of a media person, the name of whom I will not say. Hence we always try to promote its Instagram account. Most of the time, we are using the service of the 1394TA platform. So I hope that YK will start working on its social media account shortly because this has a big impact on a media person's career.