If Yuki was the Final Boss of a japanese RPG videogame...


If Yuki Kajiura was the Final Boss of a japanese RPG videogame what would be her weapon??
More importantly what would be her statistics, moves, special abilities, summons and other bonuses and items? And how you would beat her?

PP (popularity points) - instead of HP (Health points) - : 999999999999999
TP (talent points) - instead of MP (Magic points): Unlimited
Attack : 10000 (the number is a bit small because she doesnt promoting herself enough)
Defence: 1000000000000

MOVES: 1) FJ Trio (YUUKA , WAKANA, KAORI): they pop up and start singing with their perfect voices while Yuki plays keyboard
2) Kalafina: The 5 of them pop up and start singing their most aggressive song (in my opinion Kimi ga Hikari ni Kaete Iku -or Yuku-), they alternant singing decreases the opponent's PP alot
3) Instrumental music assault: Susumu Nishikawa, Hitoshi Konnno (i am sure that this is with 2 n not 3 but I just copy it from Yuki's site),
and Jerry O'Sullivan, along with the drummer guy, come from a door at the top of the battlefield and start playing their awesome instruments together with Kajiura playing piano in the melodies of her music.

COMBINATIONS: 1) circus album: Yuuka sings all her circus songs with her unique way.
2) Destination album (that sends you directly to the Game Over screen (beg god, to tell her not to use it)

SUMMONS: 1) Emily Bindiger + Curtis: The two Emilies come and assist Yuki in her fight against you
2) Deb Lyons + Margaret Dorn: The rest of the english speaking vocalists come and sing together the goddly and super aggressive Fatal Fight and godsibb (not nesassarily correct information)
3) Victor Entertainment: A damage per time attack. Victor Entertainment staff with Yuki's producer leading them, start and throw on you a mass of CDs and albums containing Yuki's music

SPECIAL ABILITIES: 1) Dream Port consert: Trasfers you to Dream Port, where Yuki has area bonus and all the upper people are present
2) CPM: Yuki puts a link of the Canta Per Me fansite homepage to her blog so its members heal her PPs by spreading the word about her music

As you can see its very difficult to beat her (almost impossible)

Your stuff would be:

PP (popularity points) - instead of HP (Health points) - : 9999999999
TP (talent points) - instead of MP (Magic points): 100000
Attack : 1000000
Defence: 10000000

MOVES: 1) Freaky Jazz music assualt: Saxophonists and other jazz musicians pop up and start playing the worst jazz music in the world
2) Greek POP songs attack: Famous greek pop singers like Kokkinou, Ruvas, Vishi, and Vandi pop up and start to sing the worst songs they have produced so far. They take Yuki's ears and a theominia brings up in the battlefield.

COMBINATIONS: You have no combinations :(

SUMMONS: 1) Answerman: Answerman from animenetworks, comes and using a woofer, runs across the battlefield saying that Yuki's music sucks and that its repeatted. It makes more damage if you have been transfered to Dream Port as answerman makes the audience so angry that they throw eggs on her,and insult on her so she loses PPs
2) Yoko Kannon, Fukasawa Hideyuki, Yasunori Mitsuda: Those 3 come in the battlefield along with their fans and start playing with their orchestras in order to surpass Yuki's
3) Kerahna's Mistake: Kerahna pops up, by mistake, dressed in a magical girl uniform and unties a papyrous that has the info about FJ UKATSU.

SPECIAL ABILITIES: 1) Yuki's groom: You show a handsome guy to Yuki (I dont know her tastes :wink: ), Yuki falls in love with him, marries him and forgets everything about composing for 10 years
2) Kerahna's dreams: Somehow Yuki learns about the dreams that kerahna had about her and either laughs so much that she stop after 20 minutes, either gets so angry and flies to Canada holding a knife to kill Kerahna (Kerahna, start writing your Will), but the last moment (before attacking her) she realises that she had gone outrageous, smiles, throws the knife in the rabbish bin after smashing it to pieces and embraces Kerahna.


This game would be too difficult , as you can see, and Yuki gets beatten only after 200 years and several patches for decreasing Yuki's power from the Development Company.

Note: There is NO OFFENSE to the people methioned. I just made this text to have fun.

Hope you like it :D
From what you wrote, Yuki will be the boss whose turn takes THE LONGEST TIME in all JRPGs. Gosh I pray this fight would occur here in Minsk!
And even if you lose, you get 1000000000000000000000000000000 Exp, for such amount of Yuki's music is an UNFORGETTABLE experience!

And the combos are scary. but I wouldn't mind seeing Kerahna in a mahou-shoujo outfit, provided that she designs it herself. :D :lol: Well, to match that technique, it's possible to boost Yuki with Nick Hunter who appears and ascribes to her an additional lot of songs, starting with "Tears infection" and up to "Moonlight sonata". :D (Mozart? What Mozart? Forget Mozart!)
umm... I am sorry for the scary stuff, Its just thats those come up in my mind.... No, no no Yuki is a GOOD and KIND person she would never kill a person no matter what. Really sorry for the assasination of Kerahna and the K.O moves combinations. Its just that those came to my mind first (seems that I am a BAD person who wants to kill people after all :( *cries*). And sorry cant change the text anymore. Its weird that you didnt laughed at all :( This was supposed to be the funniest post in the forum :( . I Failled

P.S: And Kerahna is a VERY good person too. And , to say the truth the only female person so far who really sympathise me (if she is really a girl and not a boy pretending to be a girl)

[EDIT: I could edit the text after all, and changed it to mild, non violent situations]

Note: The "I take someone's ears" is a greek ( i think) phase that means that the "I, you he,she,it, we, you ,they" plays so bad and loudly that the other person (the someone) suffers
HAHAHAHAHA if i was a boy pretending to be a girl you wouldn't want to imagine me in a majou shoujo dress! XD

*puts one on and rides on george's neck*

hahahahaLOLOLOLll i love this post its amazing XD of course i would never actually fight yuki if she was a final boss~
I think if Yuki was the final boss of a game I wouldn't never win hahaha she is so powerful and her music attacks have no rival.
The only one able to defeat Yuki Kajiura is Yuki Kajiura. I'm affraid we will never know how the game ends (and if someone puts the final video on You Tube sure that it's a fake because nobody can defeat her hahaha). And also I couldn't fight Yuki. It was very painful to me to fight Shion in Xenosaga III so imagine to fight the person who I most admire.

However...imagine that Yuki has composed her better song for the end of the game and there's no single. You can only listen to it if you defeat her. Would you try to do it?
( best song of Yuki ? it does not exeist =P all her songs are the best huhuhu)

Of course I'll try, and when I'll beat her, I'll rip the song and share it with all of you xD
George! It's ME who should be sorry for lamely expressed ideas! :( you see when I said "scary", I meant the opposite, and there should have been a couple of emoticons to show it. But the room I was working in at the moment, it was about to close, so I was in a hurry... But I didn't mean to criticize you! your essay rocks, believe me! And I liked it even more now that I'm playing FFIII now. XD
btw, there's just one objection: don't try to scare people with Greek pop music. If I give you some BELARUSIAN pop music to listen, you'll end up respecting Despina Vandi. ^_^;;;
Nick Hunter said:
btw, there's just one objection: don't try to scare people with Greek pop music. If I give you some BELARUSIAN pop music to listen, you'll end up respecting Despina Vandi. ^_^;;;

How do you know her first name??
There were a couple of her videos on a Russian music channel (our music channels are not so developed yet, because... Well, see my previous post).
That would be one of this games with a happy end because the hero would fall in love with her xD
No final battle required
she's to strong anyways xD
below is all the conversation we lost in this topic due to the *censored* you know what. Thanks 345932075935x to Midori for retrieving these!! Time are in GERMAN time, and I've kept all spelling errors intact :3

Kerahna, Sun Mar 09, 2008 2:54pm
LOL yes an H game with Yuki~ KERAHNA APPROVES :twisted:

Rion, Sun Mar 09, 2008 3:01pm
waoh, hentai na yarou! XDD

Zuiyon, Sun Mar 09, 2008 3:16pm
ROFL! dirty people here ~_~

Kerahna Sun Mar 09, 2008 3:17pm
"in her clothes" is winning in the poll :3

Zuiyon, Sun Mar 09, 2008 3:23pm
LOL ! aaaah yuki will never come like that, the poll will make her run awayyy =___=
Even I join up my Ragnarok Online + Lineage 2 + FFTA + FF5 + FF6 + FF9 + FF3 + SMRPG + Vagrant Story + [insert the rest of RPG characters that I have] characters IT'S STILL IMPOSIBLE TO DEFEAT HER :wai:
thats so true... you could hit her like a berserk... she wouln'd even notice you and compose a song out of nowhere xD

hero: :comeback:
Yuki: :gyah:


You must to paralize her (For example a Thunder Wave from Pokemon, or a Hammer Fall from RO, or a Stun Shield From Lineage 2...)


So, if you paralize her, (or freeze her, but that's more complicated) You could have an opportunite to win...)

Also you must raise your defense, and if the game supports to effects at time, you poison after paralize her...

:plot: WOW... I can have a chance :ayashii:
No she can because she doesn't have that SUMMON
And if she could Yuki has to SUMMON HIM and if is PARALIZED and POISONED she can't do it...


Of Course, win this battle doesn't means to KILL Yuki... :ayashii: