How much of Yuki's bookshelf have you read?

How much of Yuki's bookshelf have you read?

  • none!

    Votes: 4 33.3%
  • 1-3

    Votes: 8 66.7%
  • 4-8

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  • 9-15

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  • More than 15!

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  • ALL OF THEM!!!

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The list is at although there are a few I haven't gotten around to translating >_<;;;

I want to read them all~~~~ to be like yuki ^_^
I own some of them....but the only one I've actually read is the Great Gatsby as an assignment in high school English >_<;;;;;
I was so happy when I discovered that section, I never thought that someone will be enough interested in Yuki to translate her was so improbable !

I want to read them me too...but I haven't got enough time for this...I want to read especially Isaac asimov !

Zuiyon said:
I was so happy when I discovered that section, I never thought that someone will be enough interested in Yuki to translate her was so improbable !

I want to read them me too...but I haven't got enough time for this...I want to read especially Isaac asimov !

awww. Yuki reads moomin. How sweet :please:
I've already read The Count of Monte Cristo and The Hyperion Cantos (Hyperion+The Fall of Hyperion). The stone and the flute is on my "to read list", waiting patiently on a shelf.
I've probably read the moomin one too, since i liked and read a lot of those novels when i was a kid.
I have listen to the greek version the children fairy tale "One thousand and one nights" when i was kid , which is included in the book "Arabian Nights" I think. Yuki inspired the See Saw song "Senya Ichi ya" from that, you can see that because the lyrics talk about the fairy tale, in the lyrics she talks about children and the fairy tale's main character Shehrazand who bewitches all the children with her sweet voice while reading a fairy tale about Shebah (there was a movie about him some years before, cant remember now...)
senya ichiya is 1001 nights :XD: they are the same thing as arabian nights as far as i know :XD: in japan its just called 1001 nights but here, both are used equally i think

i bought a book of it (influenced by Yuki) but i havent read any @_@ same with neuromancer....
i've read "Eva Luna" and "One Hundred Years of Solitude". The first SUCKS!!!
the second, it wasn't bad at all...I'm not a fan of García Márquez :...:
I read Gatsby last autumn as an assignment, but found it average... though the plot is good.
I've read most of the Moomins, I continue to love them. Tove Jansson's writing/drawing style mesmerises me. These books inspired me on a couple of texts, and I believe that Yuki takes even more inspiration from them [take songs like "Little one, so sweet", "A tiny sunshine" etc]
In general, if a writer who writes for children is REALLY good, his/her works will always appeal to grown-ups as well. :D

I fell sad, I read a LOT but nothing of the list...

Well, I was surprised when I see that Yuki likes Isabelle Allende I read "La casa de los espiritus" nut not "Eva Luna"

And from Garcia Marquez I read "Doce Cuentos Peregrinos" and "Cronica de uan muerte anunciada"

It's a really diverse list, isn't it? I've only read a few of those, mainly the SF ones. Neuromancer is great (I've read pretty much all of William Gibson's books, and enjoyed every one) but I've not even heard of The Golden Apples of the Sun. The only Ray Bradbury novels I know are The Martian Chronicles and Fahrenheit 451, but I really liked those and he's written loads more so I probably should check out that one too.

The James Herriot stories are good too, especially if you like real-life stories about animals. They were set in a town really close to where I live, which I always found quite cool because I'm familiar with some of the places he talks about.

This thread is making me want to read more books (which is a good thing!).
I've read The Count of Monte Cristo, The Hotel New Hampshire (I've read a lot of John Irving's works), and The Tuesday Night Club. I love Bradbury's works but I haven't read The Golden Apples of the Sun.
I'm really really very surprised to find this book
  • The Notebook/The Proof/The Third Lie – Agota Kristof
in the list. This is my favourite book and as far as I know it's not very well known. It's fun to find out Yuki likes it too:XD: