
Surely he will elaborate himself but I presume @Lorde-Kowz means he had a different favorite in the contest held for the DEEMO movie project theme song. I think this was part of the DEEMO thread, rather than a thread of its own.

contest announcement starting here: https://forum.canta-per-me.net/thre...icipates-in-deemo-the-movie.12339/post-315815
I see.

If that’s the case, I would be curious to know who was his favorite, and if they continued on to do any music afterwards.
Exactly what guronti said hue. My favorites were Kanon, Konoha and Ayaka.
Kanon went to The Voice Japan, but idk if she won. Her audition just showed up one day on my youtube feed lol.
Konoha I THINK does musical theater.
Ayaka... oh it seems she also went to The Voice lol.

You can listen to the auditions here~
Exactly what guronti said hue. My favorites were Kanon, Konoha and Ayaka.
Kanon went to The Voice Japan, but idk if she won. Her audition just showed up one day on my youtube feed lol.
Konoha I THINK does musical theater.
Ayaka... oh it seems she also went to The Voice lol.

You can listen to the auditions here~
I love watching audition and competition videos (I often watch the Sing-Off acappella shows from the US)!