“Hikaru”Birthday EVENT 2018" + Kalafina "Wakana" in Concert with the Roma・Italia Orchestra


I have reached Yuki nirvana
A Hikaru birthday event for Harmony members-only has just been announced!

In July 2018 Hikaru will be celebrating her birthday and her ten year anniversary since the debut of “sprinter / ARIA”!

To commemorate this 10th Anniversary a special fan club event will be held!

“Hikaru” Birthday EVENT 2018
Date: Tuesday, July 31, 2018
Venue:@Tokyo Suntory Hall Blue Rose Hall (Small Hall)
Appearing artist: Hikaru
Piano: Sakurada Hirotaka

A message by Hikaru
To all fan club members!

"For this special occasion, a Hikaru Birthday Event has been decided. It was my wish to plan such an event so I could celebrate the day together with those who have supported me throughout the years. I hope to be able to hold this event with all of you from now onwards.
Although it is a weekday, it would make me happy if you all came to see me on that day and created this “Hikaru-only” event together with me!"



(I'll be back from Japan, why Hicchan a live at the end of July when your BD is 2th July??? #sadness)
Well, she might be singing Kajiura's songs (unless the got a new composer or she sings covers of other people) so I guess it's still Kajiura?
It will be interesting to see a Hikaru solo event. I wonder if during these months of inactivity (specially compared to the crazy last year) her voice was able to get slightly better and she could work on that. After so many voice problems, it's pretty brave of her to go ahead and sing by everything by herself!
Either way, it seems like a nice event, I wish I could go celebrate Hicchan's birthday :comeback:
From Kalafina Staff

@東京オペラシティ コンサートホール
出演:Wakana 他




Kalafina "Wakana" in Concert with the Roma・Italia Orchestra

`A solo concert for Kalafina’s “Wakana” will be held in August. Wakana’s singing voice accompanied by the Roma ・ Italia Orchestra will take you along to an elegant world of music.

Date: August 11, 2018 (Saturday)
Venue: @Tokyo Opera City Concert Hall
Performing artist; Wakana et al
Accompanied by: Roma・Italia Orchestra

Message from Wakana

I am delighted to get such a wonderful opportunity. It will be my first time being accompanied by an orchestra. I am really looking forward to the music that can be created together with so many people, I wonder what kind of sounds we will be able to bring to life? I wonder what kind of sceneries will be seen? I wish to hold a wonderful performance where you can feel each and every sound and enjoy the atmosphere!
From the bottom of my heart I am looking forward to be connected to you once again through music and smiling faces.



I wonder what she'd be singing with the orchestra?? Kalafina songs? FJ songs? YK tracks?? Classical things??

Also I'm not sure if it's a typo where they missed a character... or are they referring to the members like Kalafina "Wakana" and Kalafina "Hikaru" from now on...??
No they say that its Wakana from "Kalafina" and Hikaru from "Kalafina" since the lives with by with just one of them instead of as band activity. Also this is better united with the Hikaru thread, its not like there will be alot to talk about.
Announced on the Blog:

タイトル:「Kalafina“Wakana”・龍 真咲 シンフォニーコンサート with ローマ・イタリア管弦楽団」
会場:東京オペラシティ コンサートホール
時間:開場 15:00 / 開演 16:00
料金:全席指定¥8,500 (税込)


>Date August 11, 2018
>Wakana performing with Ryu Masaki (example of voice here)
>Venue: Tokyo Opera City Concert Hall

Another alto, huh. Not bad, but not Keiko :comeback:
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>Wakana performing with Ryu Masaki (example of voice here)
Another alto, huh. Not bad, but not Keiko :comeback:
Oh my God . . . this is that rare and 99% impossible moment in which I have to say, knowing the venue and the situation(s) of this moment, I do not mind that she’s not with Keiko. Of course, if she broke out into Oblivious in concert then I’ll be saying something different but DAMN, what is the music going to be!?!?
Nice voice. Now I REALLY want to know what kind of music are they going to sing.

Contralto. Alto, as a vocal range, is used only in choirs.

No wonder I felt like I've watched her performance before. She was a Takarazuka actress and was a top star. As a contralto she mostly played male roles. I've watched her on Rose of Versailles Takarazuka DVD and she was REALLY good. One of my college friend is a big fan of her. Being a musical actress she's technically miles ahead of Wakana and she has a fanbase of her own, I hope she wouldn't overshadow Wakana much.
it is like 'separating totally the members into individuals with their own business, unrelated to each other'

sorry if this comment hurts
It seems to me like they have started to do solo career now and they use the kalafina website as a temporary means of communication until they set up blogs and stuff of their own, and they will keep the 2-membered Kalafina as a side thing.
I don't think Wakana has enough stage presence to carry a concert on her own. Its probably a good thing she is being paired up with a strong personality.