Happy birthday to Special_K, Marcel and Ayami!

Nick Hunter

I have reached Yuki nirvana
Another triple birthday!!! :sohappy:
Now listen here, you guys. You WILL be happy, wealthy, healthy, loved, respected, saluted, and seen for the wonder you are. wait, didn't I just semi-quote a rather disturbing song? :white: ah, whatever. :XD: You will have all you strive for, and lots of new dreams to pursue, and lots of friends to support you on your way. NO OBJECTIONS. :listen: :hypno:
Many happy returns of the day! :sparkleguy: :sohappy:
:XD: Yeay, happy birthday folks! [Will CPMe be still up and runing when my birthday comes? :uh..: ]
Happy birthday!!! :dote:

Today your wishes can come true :sohappy: if you make a contract with kyubei /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
happy birthday to all of you

But special congratulations go to Kel :chuu: