Hanamori no Oka (FictionJunction Kaori) MP3 ripped version

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Finally, after have been fighting against my computer quite a while I finally could made a ripped version of the ending of Hokuto no Ken Toki Den.
I personally liked it, Kaori's voice is awesome. The ending reminds me the song Storm (but it's just personal opinion hahaha)

Here's the link http://www.mediafire.com/?fmb4ymroxr0

PD: at the begining there's a little bit of dialogue (well, just a girl screaming Toki! hahaha)
thanks so much for the upload!! Its so good <3 and so yuki~~~
Kaori ^____________^ the bridge bringing together Revo x Yuki.... aaa i keep staring at that photo of the two of them <3

how in the world did you get this, when the OVA isnt even out for like... 5 more days? XD
J.Uzuki can make the impossible, possible hahaha. No, I'm kidding, I wish I could. I found the torrent of the raw video. I had to read it twice to be sure that was Toki Den and then I prayed for it wasn't a fake. If you want I can put the torrent here although the OVA is not subbed yet
I prefer the first explanation XD

I like this rank hahaha I'll spread the word (well, in that case the music) of Yuki around the world and also prove that the mankind can defeat computers (I had to cheat windows movie maker to get this version hahaha)

I got the link of the raw from tokyotosho but by now it seems to be down so here it is the same link from another site http://isohunt.com/torrent_details/3768 ... ab=summary
suugooi sugoi jin ! thank you ! xD
lol the shrieking make me startle. The song is so good <__< waaaw
it reminds me Michiyuki in the single tsuki no curse i don't know why é_è
The OVA had been released already? (if not from where you ripped the song) The upcoming Works/Events section says 26 March (in 4 days).

Thx for the song anyway.
Uzuki,s for our site. since you registered you bring us great addictional news that Kerahna would have never found or with delay (sorry Kerahna but i have to say the truth)
Yes, the date on upcoming works is right, I don't know why the OVA has come out before the releasing date. I just saw Toki Den and related it immediately with Yuki Kajiura and FictionJunction Kaori hahaha I don't know anything else far from this about Hokuto no ken.
things get leaked by people who work at companies that the publisher sends preview copies to >_<

they are supposed to be returned to the publisher, or destroyed, after using, but i guess some people keep them or rip them :(

my FJY:Destination CD that I bought off ebay is one of those items. On the CD it says its a preview version only, not for sale.
Re: Hanamori no Oka - without TOKIIIIIIIIIIIIIII

Still not CD quality (sound effects & lackluster percussion section) but at least it doesn't have Aya Hirano screaming TOOOOOOKIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII. You'll probably find it is quite superior quality wise to the stream version rip J.Uzuki posted abobe.

Rename to whatever you want.mp3
lol, the quality difference is basically that of a web stream vs DVD. Nothing in software, really.