http://twitter.com/Fion0806<---- check the right column
Now we are pretty sure Fion is Yuki
Now we are pretty sure Fion is Yuki
george1234 said:shall we add her to vocalists section ?
george1234 said:nah, since she admitted that the account containg "Fion" as username is her its 99.9999999999~% sure its her.
george1234 said:nah, since she admitted that the account containg "Fion" as username is her its 99.9999999999~% sure its her.
tsubasa said:Unless she will show FION as a person on a LIVE concert
Yuki88 said:She has announced that she will suspend live activity for now, hasn't she
Yuki88 said:She has announced that she will suspend live activity for now, hasn't she
tsubasa said:so she can focus on composing
dunno.. atleast its good no more live for while..
so she can focus on composing
Fion" is Yuki Kajiura's pseudonym when singing in her songs, usually as background but in some cases main vocal. Little information could be found about the vocalist, so it was suspected by some members of the community that Fion may actually be Yuki Kajiura herself based on her name and voice. Her true identity was unconfirmed until the discovery of Yuki Kajiura's twitter account in early 2010, with the username <a href="http://twitter.com/Fion0806">Fion0806</a> - containing both the name of the mysterious vocalist along with Kajiura's birth date. On September 9 2010, Yuki officially revealed in her <a href="http://fictionjunction.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/09/twitter-02b6.html">blog</a> that she was the owner of the twitter page. As Fion, she has performed in Madlax (open your box, cannabinoids, saints), May Hime (Mezame), Tsubasa Chronicle (Play the game, Sacrifice), El Cazador (Place of Eternity), Kara no Kyoukai OST 1, and provided backing vocals in Velvet no Inori.