Dream Port Concert~~~

i have to go to the airport, cu! i'll take photos! :gyah:

*wakes up* :cry:
you... youtube?!?

yay, Kajiura's concert in 96kbps mono; 320x240px ^_________^
Tracklist for Kajiura side:

  1. oblivious (Kalafina: WAKANA, KEIKO)
  2. kizuato (傷跡) (Kalafina: WAKANA, KEIKO)
  3. salva nos (Yuriko Kaida)
  4. MC
  5. key of the twilight
  6. vanity
  7. MC
  8. fake wings
  9. Himeboshi~Mezame (媛星~目覚)
  10. zodiacal sign (Yuri Kasahara?)
  11. MC
  12. Akatsuki no Kuruma (暁の車) (YUUKA)
  13. nowhere (YUUKA)
  14. Silly-Go-Round (YUUKA)

Full review here.

Don't really see who sang the middle songs. I'm guessing Kaida if they were even vocal versions, but then I wonder what KAORI sung since she was also there...

Also it seems Revo announced the new Sound Horizon CD, 6th Story "moira".
KEIKO&WAKANA... ... ... :knife:
salva nos (all except YUUKA)
key of the twilight (Yuriko, KAORI, WAKANA, KEIKO)
vanity (Yuriko, KAORI, WAKANA, KEIKO)
fake wings (Yuriko, KAORI)
Ensei and Mezame (all except YUUKA)
zodiacal sign (Yuriko, KAORI, KEIKO, WAKANA)
And Yuriko & Yuuka... I think.

The end has been... strange. They changed their songs XD
Hiiro no Fuusha - (by KAORI, WAKANA, KEIKO, Yuri Kasahara , Yuriko Kaida)
YANMAANI (Anna ni Issho Datta no ni) - ( by Sound Horizon)
Sajin no Kanata he... (everybody).

At start: Sajin no Kanata he... (no vocals) Yuki plays the piano and Revo the accordion.
Hmm so they all sang the middle parts... That I want to hear, DVD please. :X

Also, I've asked like a gazillion people why some romanize it as Ensei and Himeboshi and even those that romanized it as Ensei eventually said Himeboshi too.
In Kajiuran?
Yuki had once joked about it, long before the concert. And there's always mire to a joke than... a joke :bwahaha: :plot:
YAAAYY we were right :XD: Keiko + Wakana = Kalafina~~~~~~~~~~~

omg that is so cool :XD: how they switch parts at the end <3

"E2. ヤンマニ(あんなに)一緒だったのに"
yanmani (annani) issho dattanoni... o_O
yanmani issho datta no niiiiiii yuuugure wa mou chigau irooooooooo~~

._. even though its supposed to be "yanmaai"

:XD: waaahhhhh we missed it we missed it X_X seems like such a great concert T_______T so ooooo many sonnnngs :comeback: :comeback: :comeback: :comeback: :comeback: :comeback: :comeback: :comeback: :comeback: :comeback: :comeback: :comeback: :comeback: :comeback: :comeback: :comeback:

I wonder if it's the real deal or just some Sound Horizon bit I don't remember hearing before... It sounds a lot like RIKKI but she wasn't on the concert...

If it's real then I'm underwhelmed, as it sounds pretty meh. :cry: But hopefully it ain't it...
It seems King Records will sponsor a special DreamPort event. If the translator is not wrong, Revo and Yuki will be signing autographs and there will be also some raffles and presents for the attendants. This has been set for July 30th.

more information (in japanese as always) here: http://www.soundhorizon.com/information/index.html
hmmmm i wonder what the event actually is x_x it says that the autograph signing is AFTER the event, so the event itself...is a mystery?
Maybe Revokaji will sing, or maybe announce their engagement? :plot: :aww:

[edit] is it that ummm... you have to win a raffle in order to get an invitation to this event?

Revo&梶浦由記 スペシャル・イベント決定!

Revo& Yuki Kajiura Special event determination!

2008 年6月18日発売のCollaborate Maxi Single「Dream Port」(KIZM-15~16)の初回盤をお買上げの上ご応募頂いた方の中から、抽選で7月18日(金)に都内某所で行われるスペシャル・イベントへご招待いたします。イベントにご来場頂いた方には、イベント終了後にサイン入りの特典をプレゼント致します。

I invite to the special event performed by a lottery in a metropolitan area certain place on Fri., July 18 out of those for whom the first time board of Collaborate Maxi Single "Dream Port" (KIZM-15 - 16) of sale subscribed after the purchase on June 18, 2008. I give the privilege containing a sign to those whom the event attended after the end of an event.

- Application method

「Dream Port」(KIZM-15~16)の初回盤に封入されている応募券を官製ハガキに貼付し必要事項をご記入の上ご応募下さい。
Please stick the application ticket enclosed with the first time board of "Dream Port" (KIZM-15 - 16) on a government postcard, and subscribe necessary information after entry.

- An application deadline will presuppose that it is must arriving Mon., June 30, 2008.
- I will return a successful candidate's announcement with dispatch of an invitation postcard (reference number ON).

- Dispatch of the invitation postcard to a successful candidate is being planned in the beginning of July.

- Please understand that the inquiry about success in an election and defeat does not respond at all.

- Please look at the application essential points enclosed with goods for details.

【お問い合わせ】キングレコード  http://www.kingrecords.co.jp
[Inquiry] King record http://www.kingrecords.co.jp
OMG some of them will received signs ? O_____O
:twitch: :twitch: :twitch: :twitch: