Zuiyon - kun, I think that you are doing a huge mistake by underestimating or ignoring the lyrics of a song (we have talked in the past about that but i want to say some more thing about the issue)
First of all in a song the part of it which mostly matter in my opinion are 1) The music 2) The lyrics 3) The instruments (which instruments and if they are played well or not) 4) The skill of the singer
About the lyrics, I think that they are very important because if the lyrics are good (well this is too subjective) , this means that the lyrics writter is a cleaver and open minded person, and if this happen to more that one musical groups means that the country's cultural level and the customer's taste is high.- I am saying that because its said that the artistic products of a country (books, films, music etc) reflects its current cultural state.
Zuiyon said:
Most of the time, when I understand the lyrics, I find them ridiculous
By the way what's the ridiculous about Yuki's lyrics, what you want the content to be to make you feal pleasured?? Yuki writes the best lyrics I have ever read (and in my opinion she is also a poet)
When I am talking about good song lyrics I mean that the lyrics in a song should be repeated at the
less possible level. The more content the lyrics of a song have the best they are, I also count the theme of the lyrics as long as the deepence of them (a surfacial song where you can understand everything from the 1st listening sucks)
Because greek songs suck in all 4 points I have methioned before, they are repeated, they are a surfacial, the music sucks (the most known one have only drums and guitar-they never use viollin-) I have completely disliked them :twitch:
[EDIT] The most nice in hearing languages in my opinion are japanese, latin, greek, and english ( I also dont like the french "R" and the many consonants in line of the germanian languages)