Do your prefer songs you can understand?

which do you like moar?

  • songs that I understand

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • songs in other languages

    Votes: 3 75.0%
  • songs in made-up languages

    Votes: 1 25.0%

  • Total voters


- songs in your language, so you can understand them

- songs in another language, so you can choose whether you want to understand them

- songs in a made-up language

[edit] this gives me an idea for a front page poll :3
It depends on the song, the language, the lyrics, and the mood of the song.
I can't vote :wai:
which do you like moar?
songs that I understand 0% [ 0 ]
songs in other languages 0% [ 0 ]
songs in made-up languages 0% [ 0 ]
i can't choose 100% [ 4 ]
I can't decide either!

On one hand, knowing what the lyrics of a song mean can improve the emotional attachment to a song but on the other hand, if the lyrics are really bad, it can tarnish the song for you.

I do love memorizing the lyrics of a song in another language (regardless of whether it is a real or made-up language) and being able to sing them off by heart though.
For me, the language isn't really important, I just want to hear beautiful sounds. German sounds ugly to me because of there are too much consonant like "schreiben" or "Topfpflanze" :aww: (but I have nothing against german people, neh Midori xP) and french is not very beautiful for the same reason but it's not ugly... the "R" isn't pretty and we find it in french and german x)

The languages I find pretty are japanese and english. In Japanese there is most of the time one consonant then one vowel, it avoids the "pfpfl"-thing like in german and there is no "R" ! Same for english x)

Thus in a made-up language, Kajiuran for example x), the sounds of the "words" are very important, they can be chosen only for its pronouciation to fit with the song ! Yanmaai ! x]

Most of the time, when I understand the lyrics, I find them ridiculous <_<
So I prefer hearing foreign languages when I listen to music <_<
To me, the most important thing is not the meaning of the lyrics, but the sound ! because voice is an instrument x)
the meaning could be something very interesting...but the sound comes first xD

French pronouced by japan people is very pretty x) like in Hoshikuzu no Kawahimo in Roman by Sound Horizon
They pronounce the word "pleut" as "puru" xD
Korean is also very "musical", i really like the sound of this language.
I usually don't like german too, but there are some bands that don't sound that harsh when they're singing in german, e.g. Faun or Qntal, and it's quite nice actually. Anyway, i like and listen to all kind of languages when they're well sung or when they fit with the music.
Zuiyon said:
French pronouced by japan people is very pretty x) like in Hoshikuzu no Kawahimo in Roman by Sound Horizon
They pronounce the word "pleut" as "puru" xD

ehhh? i remember you complaining about the Roman song! where they introduce violette and hortense? XD
Yeaa I was complaining because I couldn't understand a word of their french, but but it's pretty x)
Zuiyon - kun, I think that you are doing a huge mistake by underestimating or ignoring the lyrics of a song (we have talked in the past about that but i want to say some more thing about the issue)

First of all in a song the part of it which mostly matter in my opinion are 1) The music 2) The lyrics 3) The instruments (which instruments and if they are played well or not) 4) The skill of the singer

About the lyrics, I think that they are very important because if the lyrics are good (well this is too subjective) , this means that the lyrics writter is a cleaver and open minded person, and if this happen to more that one musical groups means that the country's cultural level and the customer's taste is high.- I am saying that because its said that the artistic products of a country (books, films, music etc) reflects its current cultural state.
Zuiyon said:
Most of the time, when I understand the lyrics, I find them ridiculous

By the way what's the ridiculous about Yuki's lyrics, what you want the content to be to make you feal pleasured?? Yuki writes the best lyrics I have ever read (and in my opinion she is also a poet) :love: :hearts:

When I am talking about good song lyrics I mean that the lyrics in a song should be repeated at the less possible level. The more content the lyrics of a song have the best they are, I also count the theme of the lyrics as long as the deepence of them (a surfacial song where you can understand everything from the 1st listening sucks)

Because greek songs suck in all 4 points I have methioned before, they are repeated, they are a surfacial, the music sucks (the most known one have only drums and guitar-they never use viollin-) I have completely disliked them :twitch:

[EDIT] The most nice in hearing languages in my opinion are japanese, latin, greek, and english ( I also dont like the french "R" and the many consonants in line of the germanian languages)
george1234 said:
About the lyrics, I think that they are very important because if the lyrics are good (well this is too subjective) , this means that the lyrics writter is a cleaver and open minded person, and if this happen to more that one musical groups means that the country's cultural level and the customer's taste is high.- I am saying that because its said that the artistic products of a country (books, films, music etc) reflects its current cultural state.
hmm you just can't generalize ^o^

george1234 said:
By the way what's the ridiculous about Yuki's lyrics,
and I wasn't talking about Yuki's songs <__<
most of yuki songs are in japanese, and I don't understand japanese !

george1234 said:
First of all in a song the part of it which mostly matter in my opinion are 1) The music 2) The lyrics 3) The instruments (which instruments and if they are played well or not) 4) The skill of the singer
what's the difference between the "music" and the "lyrics/instrument/singer"
aren't the last three part of the music ? :twitch:

hey tinba Ys Origin !!! OMG
XDDDDDDDDD I Love that accent !! I can't understand anything x3
waaw the game seems to be really good
what's the difference between the "music" and the "lyrics/instrument/singer"

When Iam saying "music" I mean the composition/ arrangement of it

hmm you just can't generalize ^o^

I am seeing the thing I told you in real life.
In fact Greece is becoming worst day by day so do the songs/ music/ books/ serials in TV. People are lazy and do their best to earn the most money with the less work
In Japan, as far as I have seen the opposite happens, the more the song / anime quality improves the country becomes better. People are working at their fullest and some dont care about money and popularity e.g Yuki

Well, Greece there are also some very hard working people but they are too few

most of yuki songs are in japanese, and I don't understand japanese !

What if you learn japanese and start understanding them? By not being interested to learn what the jap songs say and look up for the lyrics, it means that you also ignore Yuki's lyrics, thats why I am saying that.
No offense, but there's a lot of shitty music in Japan too, imho (but it's a matter of taste after all, and it's clearly different from one person to another).
I guess it's the same thing everywhere.
I don't know greek music at all, but i'm pretty sure you could find some interesting things in digging a little more than what TV and radio offer you.
Just like everywhere else, i think.
But i think i understand what you mean: usually, people don't want or are too lazy to search elsewhere, so eventually, music from TV is pretty much all they have and all they know, and they tend to like it, since they're used to it. And a lot of so-called artists profit of that.
Just like everywhere else, i think.
The problem that I have is that in Greece there is only shitty music, only the shitty is advertised, only the shitty is in the stored I have visited so far and heard (and even if there is someone who makes good music he/she is so unknown that I havent even heard of his/her name) :cry:
On the contrary in Japan there is surely alot of shitty music but at least there is also the good one which is enough popular to be advertised and added as anime soundtrack
Hmm...well...i tend to (really) agree wih tinba's forst post on this topic. I....i dunno. I really like japanese music because this too thing come together really well. Japanese is so melodious because of the way it's constructed (like consonant vowel) and i really love that. I believe japanese can sound good on any music style. Also...making up words and other languages is good cause you can mostly compensate with what YOU think they'd say. And no one could really contradict you unless you're really off-topic on it. So i like that too.

But i like songs in my language too ...some songs. SOe of the i love because the lyrics are good and some of them i would preffer to never understand because the lyrics are so crappy. :D

Dunno if that makes much sense bto you but it does to me. :P
Kerahna said:
do they play Yanni (Chrysomallis) music in Greece? :3 its very not shitty <3

Yes, I heard once in the radio one of his songs (especally it was the one You gave me to translate the Jivaeri (i think this is the title)

The day they played it, it was a day when the journalists were on strike so there were no live radio programs but only music and recorded radio programs. So I guess they played that because they had played anything else they had. :twitch:

Personally I dont like that song because its too mourning ( :aww: <- like this) but I guess that since they played I can find the CD.

Greek is also a very nice sounding language and its mostly of the vowel-consonant-vowel type (and there are even words or phrases that sound just like japanese words

eg: the word "ne" in greek means "yes" -its written ναι [ν = n, αι = e]- while in japanese means "eh" or "hey"
another example is the jap "anata" of which we have a similar sounding phrase "α να τα" "ah na ta" "ah here they (are)" - said when you finally find some things which were missing and which in grammar are in plural and of neutral gender)

Its just that the nowadays greek songs totally suck so I dont listen to greek ones