I always think I know Yuki since .hack//sign in 2002
but I found I listen to Yuki's music since 1999 today...
a female Hong Kong singer released a Chinese verson of "Slender Chameleon" in 1999 in her debut album
(Slender Chameleon is track 5 of "Early Best")
here is the song in Chinese(Cantonese):
and here is the introduction of the singer:
poor that the song is not popular in Hong Kong
and no one know Yuki through this song....
the album sold over 120000 copies...
OK...I can think it positive that 120000 people in my city have Yuki's CD...
unfortunately...Yuki's name was wrongly spell "Yuki KKajiura" in the CD...
but I found I listen to Yuki's music since 1999 today...
a female Hong Kong singer released a Chinese verson of "Slender Chameleon" in 1999 in her debut album
(Slender Chameleon is track 5 of "Early Best")
here is the song in Chinese(Cantonese):
and here is the introduction of the singer:
poor that the song is not popular in Hong Kong
and no one know Yuki through this song....

the album sold over 120000 copies...
OK...I can think it positive that 120000 people in my city have Yuki's CD...
unfortunately...Yuki's name was wrongly spell "Yuki KKajiura" in the CD...